“Youth is decisive force of our today and tomorrow

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February 19, 2016

“Youth is decisive force of our today and tomorrow


A clear social orientation is a distinctive feature of fundamental policy reforms, which are implemented under the supervision of the Head of State from the very first days of independence and aimed at building a prosperous democratic state and society.

Today, more than 60 percent of Uzbekistan’s population is young people. Therefore, a key priority of all the positive changes in the country has become a concern for the upbringing of harmoniously developed younger generation as to be physically healthy and spiritually mature, intellectually rich, having not only the comprehensive knowledge and popular professions in the modern world, but also the creative, independent thinking.Provisions of the Constitution of our Republic laid a solid legal foundation in this sphere. An important step in this direction was the adoption of the Law “On state youth policy in the Republic of Uzbekistan” dated November 20, 1991; it raised the attention to younger generation to the level of state policy.

It is important to note the National Program for Personnel Training, which, in the opinion of international experts, has no analogues in the world on importance and scale.

Presidential Resolution “On additional measures for the implementation of the Republic of Uzbekistan of the state youth policy” on February 6, 2014, became a logical continuation of gradual reforms conducted in the years of independence, and marked the beginning of a new phase of work.

At the same time, Uzbekistan annually develops a special state program, proclaiming the social direction of the current year. In particular, 2008 was declared “Year of Youth”, 2010 – “Year of harmoniously developed generation”, 2014 – “Year of a healthy child”, and the current 2016 – “Year of a healthy mother and child”. This fact testifies to the colossal activities undertaken towards creating a brighter future for the younger generation.

Our country’s national model of continuous education and upbringing of harmoniously developed young generation also received the highest worldwide recognition. All stages of education, taking into account international experience, developed and introduced state educational standards that meet the requirements of time, curricula and textbooks. Advanced educational technologies and interactive teaching methods are being used widely.

Over the years of independence authorities created a new type of education, which have no analogues in CIS countries – professional colleges and academic lyceums. This work allowed to form a unique unified system of continuous training, research and production-oriented education in the training of highly qualified, competitive specialists for all sectors of economy and social sphere, providing spiritual and moral education, comprehensive creative development of young people.

The state creates thousands of new jobs each year, including through the development of small business and private entrepreneurship, where youth are increasingly involved. Thus, over the past year Uzbekistan created 990,400 jobs instead of planned 987,500, employed more than 90% of young professionals.

The high productivity of work in this area also provides an expanding social partnership between public authorities and management, and public entities, including the Women’s Committee of Uzbekistan, the social movement “Kamolot”, youth charitable public fund “Mahalla”, the non-governmental charitable foundation “For Healthy Generation”, Presidential Fund “Iste’dod” and others.

The large-scale work on the development of children’s sport helps to upbring young generation physically healthy and spiritually mature personalities. In particular, if in 2005 our country engaged 30 percent of children and adolescents aged 6 to 15 years in activities, including in rural areas – 29 percent, in 2015, these figures totaled 57.2 percent and 56 percent respectively.

Results of practical work on attraction of girls to mass sports are impressive. In 2005 their number was 24 percent, in rural areas – 22 percent. It is gratifying that today 47 percent of girls are regularly involved in sports, and rates as high as 44.7 percent in rural areas.

Through the development of this sphere, promotion of healthy lifestyle of Uzbekistan’s athletes achieve great success in the international arena. In season 2015 tournaments on Olympic and national sports, our compatriots have won 311 gold, 274 silver and 276 bronze medals, which is another practical proof of the impact of deeply thought-out youth policy of our country and the fact that talent and skill of our young men and women nobody inferior.

The leadership of our country also pays great attention to supporting young families. In accordance with the Presidential Resolution “On additional measures to materially and morally support young families” dated May 18, 2007, the document provided long-term favourable mortgage credits.

In the framework of promoting the improvement of their housing and living conditions on September 8, 2014, Cabinet of Ministers adopted a Resolution “On measures for further support the provision of housing for young families who are actively involved in the public life of the country.”

The document provides for construction of houses and reconstruction of existing unused and unfinished facilities throughout the country into “Kamolot” multifamily housing for young families. In accordance with the resolution, they have commissioned 3 multifamily housing for 144 apartments in Andijan, Asaka and Balykchi districts, 3 multifamily housing for 192 apartments – in Bukhara, Kagan and Gijduvan area, one multifamily housing for 32 apartments – in Bektemir district of Tashkent.

In general, our country provides a complex, multi-faceted support to all young people. In fact, as President Islam Karimov emphasized repeatedly “young people are not only our hope and future, young people – a decisive force of our today and tomorrow”.