Within the framework of Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit 2019, various workshops were held at Mahatma Mandir Convention and Exhibition Centre in the city of Gandhinagar, India, as well as negotiations that defined new trends in various fields.
During the workshop, organized in cooperation with the State Investment Committee, the State Committee for Tourism Development, the Ministry of Economy and Industry and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a presentation of the current appearance, new goals, opportunities and potential of Uzbekistan was held.
At the event, participants were informed about favorable conditions for investors created in Uzbekistan, privileges and legal protection provided to them. The activity of free economic zones, tax, customs privileges and preferences for attracting foreign investment, the potential of such areas as agriculture, medicine, textile industry, tourism, aroused great interest among the participants.
It was noted that due to positive changes in the investment climate, global brands in various business areas are entering the Uzbekistan market. Representatives of Indian business community received detailed answers to their questions.