“Investment portal of Uzbekistan”

Citizens of 76 countries will be able to get an electronic visa to Uzbekistan (List)

Uzbekistan announces visa waiver for citizens of 45 countries (List)

Important Visa Information for Indian Citizens Travelling to Uzbekistan

March 22, 2017



The general agreement on social and economic issues between the Cabinet of Ministers, the Council of the Federation of Trade Unions and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan for 2017-2019 is expected to facilitate the achievement of the objectives set out in the Strategy for Actions for the development of the country along five priority areas.

It should be noted that the realization of the general agreement on social and economic issues for 2014-2016 promoted the advancement in the system of collective agreements conclusion in the country, as well as to an increase of salaries, monitoring of the employment and securing professional college students at workplaces, intensification of preventive measures in the sphere of labor protection and safety, provision of the trade unions representatives’ participation at meetings of the medical and labor expert commissions and commissions for the investigation of occupational diseases.

One of the priorities of the new agreement will be further betterment of the mechanism for feedback from the population on social and labor issues through expanding the network of call centers, hotlines and virtual reception rooms.

It is necessary to strengthen state and public control over the timely payment of wages and compliance with employers’ minimum wage standards.

It is planned to increase the number of organizations that conduct an assessment of workplaces for working conditions and traumatic danger of equipment, as well as the preparation of specialists on labor protection by higher educational institutions.

There will be intensified the control over the full coverage of employers with compulsory civil liability insurance, providing free medical examinations by employees.

Strict observance of the conventions ratified by the Republic of the International Labor Organization is in the priority.