A roundtable discussion on “Traditional medicine – an additional method of providing medical assistance to the population” was held at Tashkent Medical Pediatric Institute by Political Council of Adolat social-democratic party of Uzbekistan, Party Faction in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Ibn Sino Public Fund.
It was attended by representatives of state and public organizations, experts, scientists, general public and mass media workers.
The essence and importance of the resolution of the Head of the state “On measures of regulating the sphere of traditional medicine in the Republic of Uzbekistan” of October 12, 2018, problems of traditional medicine development in Uzbekistan and ways of their elimination, tasks associated with improvement its legal framework were discussed at the event.
As it was noted, over the past 20 years, the population has increased demand for services of traditional healers, interest in medicines based on plants. This resolution will serve to eliminate problems in this sphere and promote it to a new level.
The resolution provides for formation of normative-legal framework envisaging control over activities in traditional medicine, its regulation, determination of legal status of persons providing medical services using traditional medicine, as well as responsibility for consequences of their services. Such priority tasks, as using traditional medicine potential through integration of approved positive achievements and long-term developments in modern medicine, play an important role in ensuring implementation of the program principle of Adolat social-democratic party of Uzbekistan on further improvement of quality of medical assistance provided to population.
At the event, proposals of practitioners, specialists, scientists and deputies on further improvement of the sphere were heard.
Following the roundtable discussion, agreements were reached on regulating legal relations, joint activity on improving legislation.