Dear compatriots!
Ladies and gentlemen!
On the eve of the remarkable date in the life of our country – celebration of the Constitution Day, I am profoundly pleased to meet you in this beautiful and sublime palace of forums “Uzbekistan”.
Expressing boundless respect and esteem to all of you, our entire nation, allow me congratulate from the bottom of my heart on the 24th Anniversary of adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Adoption of the Constitution of the Independent Uzbekistan on December 8, 1992 became an important historical event in the life of our country.
All of us are well aware that the prominent statesman of our contemporary time, our great leader, esteemed Islam Abdughanievich Karimov uniquely contributed to the elaboration and implementation of the Constitution into our life.
In elaboration of this document, which has radically changed the consciousness, worldview and the entire life of our people, the profound and in-depth ideas of conceptual significance of Islam Abdughanievich laid a solid foundation.
I always remember with pride that as a member of the Oliy Kengash (Supreme Council) within the Constitutional Commission I directly participated in the process of development and adoption of our Main Law. I still vividly recall how the Constitution acquired its present day content and form, the active discussions and disputes in the course of this complex process.
Indeed, in the extremely difficult period of 90s the leadership of such a great political figure with broad strategic thinking and farsighted vision as Islam Abdughanievich was of a crucial significance in drafting the Main Law.
In an unstable and shaky situation, when our young state was regaining its feet, it was absolutely unacceptable to allow for such negative manifestations as narrow interests, parochialism, separatism and nationalism.
Along with the universally recognized democratic principles and values it was important to express in the Main Law the unique traditions and rich experience of state-building of our people.
It was thanks to the efforts of our First President that the great notion “The human and human dignity” was elevated as a cornerstone idea.
In his address at the historical session of the Oliy Kengash dedicated to the draft of the Constitution on December 8, 1992 esteemed Islam Abdughanievich underlined the following:
“In the last seventy years we lived under the condition of obedience and worshipping the state. We believed that the state was the owner of the country and its riches. The Constitution provides for a cardinal change in this issue as well. Namely, our Main Law contains the provision, which states that: “the state, its bodies and officials shall be accountable to the society and the citizens”.
From now on, a human being, his life, freedom, honor and dignity and other inalienable rights and freedoms are sacred and guaranteed by state”.
The aforementioned ideas of our First President testify about the scope of the in-depth approach this person has had towards each and every issue related to the state, society and human being. Thus, the Constitution can provide an answer even to the most complicated questions.
In a word, we have all grounds to rightly declare Islam Karimov as the author of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Dear friends!
For over the years of independent development, our Constitution serves as a firm foundation of creating a law-governed democratic state, strong civil society, free market relations and the economy based on the supremacy of private property, building a peaceful and prosperous life for our people, securing a worthy place on the international arena.
Our Main Law created the broad opportunities for the formation and free functioning of the non-governmental organizations and political parties, which are an integral part of strong civil society, and strengthened the main concepts and regulations of the electoral system.
In full compliance with the provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other main international documents, our Main Law has guaranteed the personal rights and freedoms, political, economic and social rights of a human being and the citizens. The Constitution created the necessary conditions for a spiritual maturity, comprehensive and harmonious development of a person.
For over the past period the national legislation system was established in the country based on the principles and provisions enshrined in our Constitution. The effective implementation of reforms in all spheres of our life served as a foundation for the progress of our country’s social, economic, political and military potential.
It should be especially underlined that the Constitution has a unique place and significance in raising the legal consciousness and awareness, as well as the political activeness of our citizens.
The active participation of our people in the important political event – the election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan held a few days ago in our country is a vivid confirmation of this.
Dear friends, we have conducted these elections in a worthy manner to the political heritage of our First President Islam Abdughanievich Karimov and our people, who had felt his boundless kindness.
We note with pleasure that the elections took place in the condition of a sound competition and contest among political parties, free discussion of pre-election programs of presidential candidates, as well as in the spirit of transparency and openness, and in full conformity with democratic principles.
Allow me to sincerely thank the Central Election Commission and members of the territorial and district election commissions for arranging the conduction of the election at such a high level, and all civil society institutions and the activists of political parties, who have assisted them.
It should be especially underscored that nearly 600 observers from 5 international organizations and 46 states have participated in electoral process. In particular, the full-scale mission of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights comprising of about 200 observers from 32 states have participated for the first time.
The international observers highly assessed the works related to preparation and holding the elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. They have acclaimed the fact that all conditions were created for voters at all polling stations, especially, for the citizens with disabilities and representatives of various nationalities in terms of high-level realization of their suffrage.
All of us are pleased that all foreign observers have unanimously acknowledged the fact that the elections were held openly and transparently based on the principles of equality and fairness.
Taking this opportunity, we express gratitude to all international observers, the local and foreign mass media who have participated in the electoral process by showing a keen interest in democratic transformations in Uzbekistan.
Dear compatriots!
Standing from this high rostrum, first of all, I express my boundless gratitude and bow low to all of the voters, the elderly, dear mothers and sisters, energetic youth and our multinational people, who have voted for me and put a high trust in me at the elections.
I consider it as a great honor that our people by their will have chosen me to be worthy of this high post. I shall do my utmost, direct my entire knowledge, experience and whole self to justify the high trust you have laid in me.
Dear friends!
The principle of supremacy of law enshrined in our Constitution stands as an important guarantee in ensuring the human rights and freedoms in our society, and efficacy of all reforms.
Nearly 400 integral laws adopted in Uzbekistan for over the recent years legally regulate all spheres of our life and serve to ensuring the human rights and interests.
Along with this, when we speak about the integrity, credibility and availability of the direct-action mechanisms of laws, we should note that we have a lot to do in this respect.
Unfortunately, at present there are a lack of impact of the laws on the efficiency of reforms and low level of their role in immediate regulation of social relations.
We should keep in mind that this state of affairs may lead to distrust in the system of laws of our country on the part of our citizens, businessmen, and let alone, the foreign investors.
I am confident that the respected members of the Legislative Chamber and the Senate will pay a serious attention to this issue.
I deem it necessary that while considering these issues, first of all, we should draft the bills thoroughly and at the level of their direct regulation of social relations. Especially, it refers to dramatic cut-down of the departmental regulations.
In this context, with an aim of more efficient cooperation between the government and parliament in the sphere of lawmaking, supervision and analysis, it would be expedient to establish the post of a representative of the Cabinet of Ministers in the Oliy Majlis on a permanent basis.
We do understand that the adoption of laws is just one part of a job.
The main issue is to timely communicate the essence and significance of laws to our people and relevant executors; ensure their proper implementation and strict observance of requirements of law.
Unfortunately, the work in this direction isn’t at the due level. As a result of this, during the past three years 157 resolutions of state bodies were adopted based on the outdated laws.
Let us think, if the additions introduced into the legislation are not timely communicated to the local level, especially, to the executors who work with them, then what can we say when it comes to their implementation?
The only way to effectively tackle this problem is to establish the mechanism, which functions as exact as watches in terms of putting in place the implementation of laws.
It is unacceptable to be complacent with one or two news stories published by Uzbekistan National News Agency, or television news shows aired by the Uzbekistan National Television and Radio Company in communicating the content and essence of laws to our people. Unfortunately, there are very few analytical stories, news footages and radio broadcasts on extensive scrutiny about adopted laws and which reflect the attitude of our fellow countrymen to them.
We should create an effective mechanism on communicating the core essence of the newly adopted laws, decrees and resolutions to the population.
The current activity of the Ministry of Justice in this respect cannot be described to be at the due level. Thus, the activity of this ministry and its regional departments at the local level must be critically assessed.
The Ministry of Justice along with relevant agencies and departments in a month’s time shall elaborate the concrete proposals aimed at communicating the content and essence of laws to the local level, and broadly propagating them.
Second, in ensuring the rule of law it is very important to raise the legal awareness of citizens and bring them up in the spirit of respect to law.
Proceeding from this very point of view, the time itself necessitates to drafting anew the National program adopted 20 years ago in this respect.
I consider it would be expedient that our parliament will lead the efforts in drafting the National program in terms of raising the legal awareness in our society.
Dear participants of the meeting!
The issue of ensuring human rights, which is enshrined in our Constitution as the supreme value, will henceforth remain in the focus of our attention. Certainly, all of us well understand to what extent it is important to achieve a true independence of judicial power.
In this regard, our primary task is to ensure the implementation of the recently adopted Decree.
In particular, we should extend the tenure of judges and form the corps of judicial officers capable of making fair decisions in court proceedings and high qualification.
Ensuring inevitability of liability for interference in the constitutional provisions on independence of judicial power and conduction of a fair trial will be an important guarantee of achievement of goals which we set before ourselves.
The time has come to enhance the quality of consideration of cases by courts, especially, prevent the red-tape in civil cases, cease the practice of consideration of a case by the court of same instance for several times and passing different judgments.
Our legislation provides all grounds for the efficient activity of lawyers. However, the legal profession has so far not been able to turn into the institution capable of reliably protecting the rights of citizens.
Therefore, we should implement additional measures in order to further increase the place and significance of legal profession in judicial and legal sphere, expand the powers of lawyer.
Based on the principle of “Justice is in the rule of law”, we will consistently continue our works aimed at strengthening the feeling of respect for law and zero tolerance to violation of law.
In this regard, we will pay a special attention to early prevention of offences. For that we should, first of all, take measures to broadly use the capacities of neighborhood communities (makhallas), increase the efficiency and accountability of police inspectors for preventive work, create the decent working and living conditions for them.
In order to ensure the openness and transparency in the activity of law-enforcement, we will establish an effective cooperation with the civil society institutions, mass media and the population.
Especially, a principle evaluation will be given to any situation related to violation of law by law-enforcement bodies themselves and strict measures will be taken in this respect. No one should have doubts about it.
Another evil which hinders the progress of society is a scourge of corruption. With an aim to counter this danger, we should take measures to expedite implementation of the Law “On countering the corruption” recently adopted by the Legislative Chamber and passed to the Senate.
In its turn, all of the aforementioned will serve to improving the system of reliable protection of human rights and interests and further strengthening the confidence of our people in state power.
Dear compatriots!
You are well aware that 2016 on the initiative of our First President was announced as “The Year of a Healthy Mother and Child”.
The State program was adopted in this direction and numerous activities were carried out. This serves to consistently continue and elevate our work on raising a comprehensively healthy generation to a higher level.
Firstly, the legal framework was further solidified in order to protect motherhood and childhood, strengthen the institution of family as a basis of steadily developing state.
In particular, the Law “On the state policy on youth” adopted this year has clearly defined the social, economic, legal and organizational measures and activities which are the main directions of this sphere.
The systemic work was carried out to strengthen the reproductive health, which is an important condition to nourish a healthy child, prevent the birth of children with inborn defects and diseases, further enhance the material-technical basis and cadre potential of medical institutions.
One can speak a lot about this. However, I would just like to dwell on some examples.
This year 80 million dollars of credits and grants were channeled to supply the medical institutions of our country with modern medical equipment for diagnosis and treatment.
In accordance with activities envisaged in the Program, nearly 9 million women of fertile age and 10 million children underwent a medical examination and received treatment.
In particular, the Republican specialized pediatrics scientific and practical center conducted the cochlear implant operations on over 350 children with hearing impairment. 21 billion soums were spent for these purposes. However, it is important for us not the sum, which we have channeled, but the fact that hundreds of our children restored their health.
As a part of these measures 700 thousand children have been vaccinated against the pneumococcus infection and other communicable diseases.
In the framework of the Program the large-scale work was accomplished to create the necessary conditions for our women, construct the modern standard-design housing and social infrastructural facilities in the rural area.
Along with this, with an aim to provide the rural residential areas with potable water and modernize the water pipelines in the district and towns, 100 million dollars were attracted with participation of foreign investments.
As a continuation of the works on development of children’s sports in our country, especially, among girls, over 220 gymnastics halls were constructed at the general secondary education schools.
In order to support the young families, businesswomen and graduates of vocational colleges, the family business and craftsmanship, during the year the commercial banks have allocated credits of more than 2 trillion soums.
Certainly, we can speak a lot about the works which we have carried out in the framework of the State program “The Year of a Healthy Mother and Child”. However, in a word, for these purposes we have channeled 7 trillion 480 billion soums and 190 million dollars at the expense of all sources.
I think the aforementioned alone demonstrates the enormous scope and scale of our activities in this respect.
Taking this opportunity, we cordially thank the medical workers, who are diligently serving in this field and all our compatriots, who have contributed to this noble work.
Let’s all of us together express our heartfelt gratitude and kind wishes to the representatives of international organizations, esteemed ambassadors of foreign states, who are present today in this hall and did not spare their assistance and help.
Dear friends!
Today the life itself makes it an urgent task the most important goal, which is reflected in our Constitution – the issue of comprehensively ensuring the human interests.
In order to provide for the human interests, first of all, one should converse with people, know in detail their problems and concerns, dreams and aspirations, daily questions and needs.
During the recent campaign meetings I became convinced of one thing. Lately, we have forgotten to have a dialogue with people. Unfortunately, being among people, talking to them openly and frankly, and listening to their concerns became the last item of our activities.
At present, what do people expect from the government? As we speak about it, I would like to draw your attention to an important issue.
You are well aware that on September 25 this year the online reception of the Prime Minister was established on the Internet. For over the past period, in all, over 218 thousand appeals have been filed by our citizens to this electronic reception. Almost 59 percent of appeals have been resolved and 41 percent of them are under consideration.
I should say it openly: the analysis of these appeals has revealed many things. If you wish, they have opened up our eyes for the acute problems in our life.
What do people file appeals about? Above all, they are addressing about lifting the bureaucratic barriers in various spheres, abolishing many unlawful departmental regulations, allocating the bank credits with affordable interest rates, abandoning the practice of illegal inspections of business activities and inquiring about the activity of law-enforcement bodies.
Along with this, many appeals are being received on construction of housing, public utilities, transport and trade services, supply of electricity power, and the need to better the state of roads.
Dear friends, as you can see, all of these requests are lawful and justified. I think there is no need for additional commentary here.
However, one question emerges in this respect: wasn’t it possible for the local khokimiyats (governor’s and mayor’s offices) and departments, and the relevant authorities to timely tackle the pivotal problems raised in these appeals? Meanwhile, a specific law, i.e. “On the appeals of physical and legal entities”, was adopted in this respect. However, unfortunately, there is a poor supervision over implementation of this law.
Due to these reasons I deem it necessary to bring the heads and officials, who are failing to implement the provisions of this law, not only to administrative but also the criminal liability.
It is not the people who should serve the government bodies, but it is the government bodies who should serve our people and this truth, first of all, must be well understood by the heads of all levels.
In this regard, we must ensure unconditional compliance with the provisions of the recently adopted Decree on protecting the entrepreneurial activity and private property. Since, if people are rich the state will also be rich and strong.
From this point of view, the notions of dialogue with people and the human rights are so closely intermingled that they cannot be separated one from another.
Taking all these ideas and thoughts into consideration, I propose to announce upcoming 2017 in our country as “The Year of Dialogue with People and Human Interests”.
With your permission, I would like to extensively dwell on the most urgent and priority tasks in this respect.
Above all, proceeding from the main goals and tasks of the “The Year of Dialogue with People and Human Interests”, it is necessary to deeply reconsider the approach to mutual relations of government bodies with citizens. We should introduce the new mechanisms and effective methods of permanent dialogue with population and tackling the problems of their concern.
We are thinking about switching to an absolutely quality new system of engaging with people in the activity of state bodies which receive most of the people’s appeals. In particular, starting from 2017 the system of reporting of khokims of all levels (governors and mayors), heads of prosecutor’s offices and bodies of internal affairs to the population will be established.
Along with this, we should establish the “Public Receptions” in each and every district and town and ensure their full-fledged operation.
It should be said that it would be expedient that such receptions operate in the system of political parties, in particular, in the system of the Uzbekistan Liberal-Democratic Party. Since, a political party, as a force to realize the goals and interests of citizens, must be always aware of the problems in the lives of people.
At the same time, it is expedient to concretely stipulate the legal status of these receptions, their powers and obligations.
Our biggest goal is to create the system in which each and every appeal filed to the “Public Receptions” won’t be left without consideration.
In a word, sharing people’s concerns and openly talking to them, alleviating their hardships will serve for consolidation of people’s trust in state and society.
With this purpose, we should ponder about establishing the system of serving the population on the daily and most outstanding state services in line with the principle of “one stop shop” through one department.
Besides, we need to establish the system in terms of elaboration of proposals on raising the accountability of state bodies by permanently learning the state of affairs in each and every region of our country, above all, the state of implementation of decrees and resolutions, as well as their efficacy.
Taking this opportunity, I would like to address with one proposal to the leadership, deputies and senators of the Legislative Chamber and the Senate of Oliy Majlis.
That is to say, with an aim to form the influential mechanisms of parliamentary and public supervision, the life itself necessitates that, by learning the real state of affairs in towns and districts, to create the order of presenting reports by relevant heads during the sessions of councils of people’s deputies.
It would be expedient that the deputies of Oliy Majlis and the senators representing each region, for example, Surkhandarya Region visit each month one district for 10-12 days, let us say, Muzrabot District and learn the activity of an executive body, prosecutor’s office and internal affairs department located in their constituencies, analyze and issue the relevant conclusions.
It is well-known that at present the Senate of Oliy Majlis each year hears the report by the Office of the General Prosecutor. Certainly, this is important. However, who will hear the report of the local khokimiyats (governor’s and mayor’s offices), prosecutor’s office and internal affairs bodies, for example, in a remote Olot District?
From this point of view, based on the system established by our First President the esteemed Speaker of the Legislative Chamber and Chairman of the Senate while traveling to the local districts should pay a special attention to how well the heads of the local khokimiyats (governor’s and mayor’s offices), prosecutor’s office and internal affairs bodies are performing their duties, and how they tackle the problems of people and their appeals.
In organizing the work in this respect such authorities as a parliamentary inquiry and hearing reports by heads of relevant state bodies should be broadly exercised.
Summarizing the results of all studies, I consider it will be right to introduce the practice of the Senate hearings of the interior minister’s report, first of all, on the activity in the sphere of prevention of offences.
With such a goal, it would be appropriate if the Oliy Majlis starting from 2017 drafts a year-long action plan on all regions.
We also need to think about and discuss the issue to allow in future the election of local khokims (governors and mayors) directly by the people themselves. If each and every region elects its own leader, it can be possible to dramatically increase the accountability of heads before people and society.
The aforementioned priority tasks, which have just been enunciated, necessitate the further improvement of the system of state governance while proceeding from the requirements of today and the future.
In this respect, it is envisaged to adopt the concept of reforms in the sphere of administrative governance in the Republic of Uzbekistan aimed for 2017-2021.
According to this concept, the concrete measures will be implemented to optimize the structure, tasks and authorities of bodies of state governance, reduce its non-pertinent and duplicating functions, cut the total number of employees, and dramatically decrease the role of state in management of economy.
We will pay a special attention to improving the activity of the executive apparatus of the Office of the President and the Cabinet of Ministers, and ensuring the effective implementation of laws, decrees and resolutions being adopted.
Along with this, we will create an effective system on reforming the institution of public service, thoroughly improving the material and social welfare of public servicemen and their professional competency, as well as hiring the newly thinking, accountable, initiative- and patriotic-minded cadres for public service.
All of these issues will be reflected in the forthcoming law “On the public service”.
Dear friends!
In providing for the human interests all of us well understand to what extent it is important the steady growth of our economy at high rates.
Creation of necessary conditions and broad opportunities for efficient labor, decent wages, modern housing, quality education and medical services, rest and leisure – all of them are important aspects which define the content and essence of our economic reforms.
In this respect, the following will be in the focus of our attention: the step-by-step increase of not only minimum wage, but also the average wages at public organizations and self-funded economic entities, pensions, stipends and social allowances.
Providing jobs for the people is not only of economic, but also of a crucial social significance for us. Along with the khokimiyats (governor’s and mayor’s offices), ministries, departments and employer companies the banks should also be more actively involved in this work.
In addressing the population’s employment we also need to utilize vast opportunities in terms of development of tourism.
The State committee for development of tourism, which was recently established for these purposes, must channel its own funds and foreign investments to the development of infrastructures of international standards.
We will pay a special priority attention to the issue of strengthening the investment policy in our country.
Our diplomatic missions abroad should carry out a serious work in order to attract the foreign investments and advanced technologies.
For this purpose, the activity of the Foreign Ministry should be enhanced. Our ambassadors in foreign countries should engage not only in political, but also in attracting the foreign investments into Uzbekistan. In order to supervise over their activity in this respect, I deem it necessary to expand the scope of activity and authorities of the Foreign Policy Committee of the Senate of Oliy Majlis.
This Committee should turn into a major component of the parliamentary supervision for international economic cooperation and active attraction of foreign investments.
It would be expedient that the Committee takes measures on increasing the responsibility of the relevant agencies in terms of ensuring the efficiency of attraction of investments into our country, eradicating the problems, obstacles and barriers in this sphere, and improving the investment climate.
Another important issue in providing for the human interests is directly related to raising the living standards in rural areas, where more than half of our population resides. Therefore, we will continue to pay a major attention to deepening the reforms in the sphere of agriculture, reasonably utilizing the land and water resources, introducing the cutting-edge technologies. Along with this, the concrete plans are being developed on deep reprocessing the raw, and first of all, the cotton raw.
Another priority task – starting from 2017 we will launch realization of the program of construction of affordable and comfortable housing in rural areas in line with renewed standard-design projects.
Dear friends!
All of us are well-aware that the innermost dreams and aspirations and pivotal interests of each and every person, each and every family in our country come true, first of all, in the person of their children. Certainly, the profound work is being accomplished in Uzbekistan in this respect and they are yielding positive results in practice.
As we speak about this, I would like to dwell on one example which makes us very proud and honored. This year our athletes won 44 medals, in particular, 12 gold medals at the Summer Olympics and Paralympics held in Brazil. And this became a historical event in the life of our country.
Taking this opportunity, I express my deep gratitude to our athletes, who are raising our nation’s flag high at international contests, as well as their parents and trainers.
It is natural that the issue of upbringing our youth healthy and harmoniously mature will take a special place in the program “The Year of Dialogue with People and Human Interests”.
In this respect, we will take the following work to a new and higher level: creation of necessary condition for our children, construction of the new educational, cultural, arts and sports facilities, building of new houses for young families, providing jobs to the youth, and actively involve them in business activities.
We consider it as our first and foremost task to improve the activity of all components of education and upbringing on the basis of latest requirements.
When we speak about the upbringing the young generation, I would wish that each of us, especially, our sons and daughters, who are just entering the independent life, act in line with the following words said by our forefather Abdurauf Fitrat. Here is what our great ancestor wrote:
“The journey of the people towards the concrete goals, the extent of people’s wealth, happiness and esteem, the state of its success or failure, discontentment, falling into disrespect, obedience, slavery and captivity to others depend on the upbringing they receive as children from their parents”.
What priceless and golden words these are!
If we take into account today’s growing threats of various evils such as the religious extremism, terrorism, drug abuse, human trafficking, illegal migration and “mass culture”, the deep meaning and significance of these words will be more vivid.
Indeed, at present the upbringing of youth remains for us to be the issue, which will never lose its urgency and significance.
Today’s rapidly changing world opens up the new and great opportunities before the humanity and the youth. Along with this, they bring about never-seen-before evils and dangers. The wicked forces put the naïve and immature children against their parents, country and damage their lives.
Given such tense and threatening situation, we are the parents, teachers and trainers, broad public and members of makhalla (local neighborhood community) should further increase our vigilance and watchfulness in this issue. We should bring up our children on our own by not abandoning to others.
For this purpose we need to converse more with our youth, listen to their hearts, learn about their concerns and render a practical assistance to tackle their problems.
In this regard, we should pay a special attention to the work with disorganized youth.
In accomplishment of these tasks, we will lean upon the centuries-long national traditions and rich heritage of our ancestors.
We will channel our utmost and all capabilities to ensure the following: to allow our children, especially the girls, master the modern knowledge, professions and skills, foreign languages and secure a commendable place in life being comprehensively healthy and harmoniously mature.
Our activity on providing for the interests of our energetic young generation will be solidly continued on the basis of the recently adopted Law “On the state policy on youth”.
We will take all measures to turn the “Kamolot” youth social movement into the organization, which will bring together all our youth, allow them to implement their skills and talents, as well as truly uphold their interests.
Dear friends!
All of us are well aware that we cannot imagine the human interests apart from the atmosphere of the peace in the nation, mutual respect, mercy, kindness and accord in our society. All of them are our priceless wealth and it is our sacred duty to safeguard them as an apple of an eye.
For this purpose, the place and role of the makhalla (neighborhood community) agencies, women’s, elderly and youth organizations will remain in the focus of our attention.
Along with this, today’s complicated time makes it more urgent to preserve and strengthen our peaceful and tranquil life and ensure the security guaranteed for our people. With such an aim, at present we are taking the measures on deeply changing the system of the Internal Affairs Ministry.
Our esteemed President established the system of police inspectors for preventive work in the lowest level of the Interior Ministry. However, these police inspectors are not engaged with preventing crimes, but rather they are busy with registering the factual offences and reporting them to the higher bodies.
Therefore, we will cardinally change our approach to this issue and will create all necessary working and living conditions for the effective activity of such police inspectors in makhallas (neighborhood communities).
Besides, the post of deputy heads for working with youth will be instituted at each district khokim’s (mayor) office and district Internal Affairs department.
Dear participants of the meeting!
The targeted programs, which were included in our election campaign and are in the process of elaboration now, secure an important place in addressing the issues related to the human interests in our country. The main goal of these programs is to provide for further raise the people’s living standards.
With this purpose, the Government of our country, along with the Legislative Chamber and Senate of Oliy Majlis with participation of social organizations and NGOs are elaborating the Action Strategy on further development of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021.
The Strategy will clearly define the most urgent tasks on state-building, improvement of judicial and legal system, liberalization of the economy and development of social sphere, strengthening the international friendship and accord.
Dear friends!
We will conduct our foreign policy, above all, with comprehensive consideration of the interests of our nation and the Motherland.
Love for peace, non-interference in internal affairs of other states, peaceful and political resolution of all contradictions and confrontations will make up the core of this policy.
We will continue the efficient cooperation with all near and far foreign states, as well as the international community. We will adhere to the principle of open, friendly and pragmatic policy in this respect.
Maintaining the active relations and cooperation with the United Nations, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Commonwealth of Independent States, Organization of Islamic Cooperation and other international structures meets the national interests of Uzbekistan.
We will further develop the practical cooperation with the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Islamic Development Bank, International Monetary Fund and other international financial and economic organizations.
Dear and esteemed fellow countrymen!
We are entering the new year 2017 with kind and noble goals.
“The Year of Dialogue with People and Human Interests” which has just been announced, vividly testifies about our plans and objectives which are the reflection of dreams and aspirations of our entire nation.
I am convinced that the state and non-governmental organizations, makhalla, our mothers and sisters, representatives of youth, broad public and our entire nation will actively participate in fulfilling these noble tasks.
The forthcoming year will be another enormous step to consistently pursue the prime goal of our policy, i.e. the noble idea that ‘the human interests come first’ makes our life more prosperous and happy.
I sincerely congratulate all of you on the Constitution Day and wish you a sound health, happiness and success, plenty and abundance to your homes.
Thank you for your attention!