O'zbekiston investitsiya portali

76 davlat fuqarolari Oʻzbekistonga elektron viza olishlari mumkin boʻladi (Roʻyxat)

Oʻzbekiston 45 ta davlat fuqarolari uchun vizani bekor qilishni eʼlon qildi (Roʻyxat)

Oʻzbekistonga sayohat qilayotgan Hindiston fuqarolari uchun muhim viza maʼlumotlari

Dekabr 26, 2017

The right to education is guaranteed

“Everyone shall have the right to education.
The state shall guarantee free secondary education.
Schooling shall be under state supervision”.

(Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Article 41).

Committee on the Issues of Science, Education, Culture and Sports of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan jointly with the Republican Interdepartmental Commission on Affairs of Minors organized a round-table on “Improving the mechanisms of guaranteeing the right to education”.

The event was attended by representatives of ministries and departments, public organizations, members of the commission on working with minors, heads of educational institutions, mass media employees.

The Basic Law guarantees free secondary education. Guarantees for education are also enshrined in the Family Code, the laws “On education”, “On guarantees of the rights of the child”.

At the initiative of the President of our country, a 11-year education system has been introduced in secondary schools. New mechanisms for the development of professional education are being developed. Specialized boarding schools are being organized, and conditions are being created for the development of private sector in the sphere of education.

At the round table it was noted that provision of the right of citizens to education in Uzbekistan is positively assessed by a number of United Nations agencies. Studies on the state of affairs, which were conducted by deputies at places, show that people widely support and approve the reforms implemented on ensuring the right of youth to education.

– Unfortunately, there are cases when parents do not fulfill their direct duties, instead of effectively using the created opportunities, – says deputy of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis Odinakhon Jamoliddinova. – So, when studying attendance in educational institutions of Andijan region, it was revealed that more than 500 students do not attend classes at all. Therefore, it would be advisable to determine measures on strengthening the responsibility of parents in the legislative acts, organize a broad discussion of this issue with participation of public, experts of relevant state departments, deputies of local Kengashes.

As it was noted at the event, following the monitoring carried out by the commissions on working with minors, in 2014-2016, about 50 thousand parents or persons substituting them were brought to administrative responsibility for failure to fulfill their obligations on upbringing children. As a result of abandonment of minors without supervision and control, 32 968 adolescents committed administrative offenses, and 6850 committed crimes.

Opinions were expressed on such issues as ensuring prevention of child neglect and delinquency among minors, strengthening parliamentary and public control over increasing responsibility of parents, the role of civil society institutions in this process. At the event, proposals and recommendations on introducing amendments and additions to some legislative acts were developed.