Copies and lithographs of the work of Sahibkiran Amir Temur “The Code of Temur” were created on the basis of Mir Abu Tolib al-Husaini at-Turbati’s translation and have been attracting the attention of world scholars since the 18th century.
Great interest in this work was also shown during the period when khanates existed in Central Asia, therefore the manuscript of the work was repeatedly copied in Persian. In fact, the work was created in Uzbek and by the will of fate, the need arose for its repeated translation into this language. In the last two centuries, the Code of Temur has been translated into Uzbek several times. In 1836, by the order of Kokand Khan Muhammad Alikhan (1822-1841), the work was partially translated by kazi of Khojent Nabijon Mahdum Khotif. In 1856-1857, in the Khiva khanate, this work in abbreviated form was translated into Uzbek by Muhammad Yusuf Roji. A year later, in Khiva, translator Pakhlavon Niyoz Devon created a new work on recommendation of Muhammad Rizo Ogahi, based on the work of Komil Khorezmi on the work of Amir Temur. Manuscripts of this work are now kept at the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
In 1967, well-known scientist Alikhontura translated the manuscript of the work of Soguni (1885-1976), stored in the library of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Central Asia and Kazakhstan, from Persian into Uzbek and published a part of the translation in Guliston journal.
The Code of Temur is a unique document that sets forth the state-legal views of Temur, defines the standards of life and moral standards of rulers.
According to the Press Secretary of the Center for Islamic Civilization Fakhriddin Muhammadiyev, taking into account the role and scientific significance of this work in the history of the country, the Center for Islamic Civilization under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan translated and published the Code of Temur in Uzbek, Russian, English, French and Persian.
January 21, 2025