Political Council of the Movement of entrepreneurs and businesspeople – Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan (UzLiDeP) held a session in Tashkent on 29 March 2014.
The participants of the meeting summed up results of activities of party structures and MPs unions of UzLiDeP in the reporting period and considered issues on further improving work on party organizations on implementing programme goals and tasks of the party, the information service of the party said.
The Political Council underlined that the work of political structures are based on main programme documents of UzLiDeP, main clauses of the Concept on further deepening democratic reforms and forming civil society, as well as the speech of the President of Uzbekistan “Deepening democratic reforms and forming civil society – foundation for future of Uzbekistan”, which he presented at the solemn ceremony of the 21st anniversary of the Constitution of Uzbekistan.
The speech of the president outlined priorities in the sphere of further liberalization and modernization of the society, ensure sustainable and stable development of economy, growth of well-being and life standards of population, raise role and importance of representative bodies in political life of Uzbekistan, ensure balanced distribution of authorities among branches of powers, effective parliamentary and public control over operations of the statebodies.
The session participants underlined that ideas of the President were reflected in the law “On introduction of changes and amendments to some articles of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan (articles 32, 78, 93, 98, 103 and 117)”, which was passed by the Legislative Chamber of Uzbekistan this week. The law was submitted by the President of Uzbekistan as legislative initiative.
The adoption of law lifted democratic reforms, processes of liberalization of all spheres of life of public and the government, gradual democratic modernization of the state and constitutional construction to new level. The participants of the session said that the law has great importance to ensure compliance of norms of the Constitution and legislation of Uzbekistan with rapidly evolving changes in life of the society, trends of democratic and liberal reforms, further implementation of the principle “From strong government to strong civil society”, where people, their rights and freedoms are the highest value.
The changes to Constitutions gave strong stimulus for further development of parliamentarism and provides new opportunities to political parties for effective implementation of their programme tasks, strenhthening multi-party system and inter-party competition, which is important part of democratic society.
The law also significantly raises role of political parties, their MPs unions, and responsibility for wide-scale democratic reforms in the country. They will be also responsible for creating democratic legal government, strong civil society and forming great future of Uzbekistan.
The participants of the session underlined that several projects within the implementation of the priority directions of the Concept of the President and the State programme “The Year of Well-being and Prosperity” were implemented. In the sphere of deepening market reforms and liberalization of economy, expansion of scale of role and share of small and private businesses in economy and other priority directions of the party were also realized.
Only faction of UzLiDeP, based on programme goals and tasks, as well as in line with interest of voters, studied and developed positions on over 40 draft laws, which were submitted to consideration of the Legislative Chamber. MPs initiated eight laws, which play important role for further deepening democratic reforms, developing farmers movement, small businesses, protection of private ownership, etc. MPs unions’ of the party held 681 hearings on reports of the executive bodies on implementation of social-economic development of the regions, including 293 reports on issues of forming favourable business environment, development of entrepreneurship, etc. The party helped over 3,000 women and youth to receive preferential loans from commercial banks to start and implement their business projects for over 24 billion soums. In cooperation with Farmers’ Council, over 3,500 farmers received legal aid in returning of over 12.5 billion soums within implementation of the contracts.
The meeting noted that the party will continue its works, which were started in 2013. The session critically considered activities of the party structures and MPs unions of the UzLiDeP in the context of receiving answers to key issues. The party also considered issues related to its participation in public life of the society, implementation of priority tasks of social-economic development of the region, reforming and modernizing of the countries, protection of voters’ interests.
UzLiDeP underlined that there are shortages and unused reserves in this sphere in the activities of MPs groups from the party in Namangan and Kashkadarya regions. Party structures from Syrdarya and Navoi regions received unsatisfactory assessment. The corresponding organizational conclusions were adopted.
The participants determined priority directions of activities on full use of potential of the party structure, MPs corpus of the party to solve key tasks of small businesses and private entrepreneurs, farmers, development of legislation to ensure fast development and protection of private ownership, rights of proprietors, improve conditions for doing business.
The decision on improving zeal of the MPs, primary party organizations and other party structures in solving charter and programme tasks of the party, improve legislation and law enforcement practice. The party said that it should actively promote proposals at sessions and meetings of the regular commissions of the representative bodies and conduct control-analytical activities of MPs groups. The parliamentary faction should boost their work on law-making and control activity. The faction should also use efficiently such mechanisms as MPs inquiry and hearings on activities of the state bodies, etc.