Leaders of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan sum up the results of fruitful talks

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August 8, 2024

Leaders of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan sum up the results of fruitful talks

At a meeting with media representatives, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev and the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev shared their assessments of the talks.

The President of Uzbekistan noted with deep satisfaction that thanks to joint systemic and practical efforts, it was possible to raise cooperation between Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan to the highest level of allied relations.

– We opened a new page in our multifaceted relations by holding the first meeting of the Supreme Interstate Council. This format reflects the highest level of interstate interaction and demonstrates the close ties of our countries and peoples and their strong desire to strengthen cooperation in all areas.

During the talks, the issue of creating an Interparliamentary Forum with the participation of both chambers of parliament was considered. A decision was made to establish another new format of interaction: the Foreign Ministers Council.

Specific agreements were reached on further deepening trade, industrial cooperation, energy, transport, agriculture and water management, and culture.

A Joint Statement was signed, and the Strategic Partnership and Alliance Program for 2024-2034 was adopted, all of which aimed to further strengthen comprehensive cooperation.

During the talks, particular attention was paid to enhancing interregional ties. The leaders proposed transforming the Interregional Cooperation Forum into a Council of Heads of Regions with the involvement of all regions of the two countries.

They noted that they were satisfied with signing contracts and agreements worth $7 billion during the business forum and business meetings held the day before.

A comprehensive program aimed at dramatically increasing trade turnover will be adopted by the end of the month. The parties also decided to accelerate the construction of the International Industrial Cooperation Center to develop and implement new investment projects.

In addition, the issue of creating an Uzbekistan – Kazakhstan Investment Fund will be worked out to finance joint projects in priority areas.

Enhancing collaboration in transport and logistics was an essential part of the talks’ agenda. Specific measures were discussed to create the most favorable conditions for increasing the volume of freight traffic and accelerating the construction and modernization of roads and railways.

Another strategic area is ensuring food security. The two countries reached specific agreements on the cultivation and supply of agricultural products.

Priority areas of cooperation in water use and environmental protection were identified.

An agreement was reached to continue close cooperation in the joint use of transboundary water resources.

Strengthening cooperation in culture, youth, tourism, science, education, and sports received special attention.

On the eve and as part of the visit, Uzbek Cinema Days, concerts, exhibitions, festivals, intellectual games, and other events were successfully held in the capital of Kazakhstan.

The parties expressed their readiness to organize cross-cultural Days, joint film festivals, and concerts of artists from the two countries next year.

During the visit, branches of leading higher education institutions in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan were launched.

The President of Uzbekistan expressed gratitude to President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev and, in his person, to the entire fraternal people of Kazakhstan for erecting a monument in the center of Astana to the great son of the Uzbek people, poet and thinker Alisher Navoi.

The parties will continue to mutually support initiatives within the framework of regional and international platforms, including the United Nations, SCO, CIS, Organization of Turkic States, Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia, and the Central Asia Plus formats.

It was emphasized that the next Consultative Meeting of the Heads of State of Central Asia, scheduled for tomorrow in Astana, will give a powerful impetus to economic integration and the rapid development of the entire region. 

In conclusion, Shavkat Mirziyoyev expressed confidence that the results of the state visit and the agreements reached will contribute to the comprehensive strengthening of friendship and good neighborliness, strategic partnership, and alliance between Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.