free industrial zone Angren.. 1
Angren FIZ: the history of creation, modern development and prospects. 1
Center for analyzing global markets, investments and technologies to be created in Uzbekistan. 2
Seoul hosts International business forum “Invest in Uzbekistan”. 2
Uzbekistan is planning to import 24 modern locomotives in the coming years. 3
Kitab reserve to be included in global geoparks network of UNESCO.. 4
free industrial zone Angren
Angren FIZ: the history of creation, modern development and prospects
The main aim of the Angren Free Industrial Zone is the formation of auspicious conditions for attracting foreign and domestic investments. These are believed to enable indigenous manufacturers to arrange up-to-date high-tech production facilities, which are needed to turn out competitive commodities with high value added. The investments in question will also ensure the complex and efficient realization of Tashkent province’s industrial and resource potentialities, the creation, on this basis, of new jobs and the achievement of a rise in the population’s living standards.
The rated term of the Angren FIZ’s performance is 30 years, with the possibility of its further extension. A lot of special tax and customs privileges are valid within the indicated period. In particular, FIZ participants are granted, among other things, the exemption from several taxes, such as income (profit) tax, property tax (intended for legal entities) tax on the improvement and development of social infrastructure, unified tax on small enterprises and mandatory deductions to the Republican Road Foundation.
What’s more, its participants are exempt from customs payments (with the exception of a fee charged for customs clearance of imported equipment, spare parts, components and materials, which are not made domestically and have to be imported under the projects approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan).
The privileges referred to above are granted for the term of 3 to 7 years, depending on the volume of invested capital: from US $300,000 up to US $3 million – for 3 years, over US $3 million up to US $10 million – for 5 years, and over US $10 million – for 7 years.
At the same time, the participants of the Angren Free Industrial Zone are guaranteed the opportune connection to all engineering communications.
One of the numerous advantages that the Angren FIZ possesses is its convenient location near the biggest cities of Uzbekistan. A well-developed, well-maintained transport infrastructure is in place there. The 80-km motor road connects it with the Uzbek capital, Tashkent. Another road, whose length equals 240 kilometers, links the Angren Free Industrial Zone with the towns situated in the Fergana Valley.
Furthermore, a very important facility is operating on the territory of the Angren Free Industrial Zone. Enjoying the total square of 30 hectares, the Angren International Logistics Center is capable of accommodating as many as 300 trucks simultaneously. The Center’s handling capacity is 4 million tons-worth of cargo operations.
In 2013, a large-scale project was launched on the initiative of the President Islam Karimov of the Republic of Uzbekistan – to electrify the Angren – Pap section of the rail track. The current year will see the completion of this construction project. The electrified railway will make it possible to carry goods by railway to different provinces of the Fergana Valley and other regions countrywide.
Moreover, a given section of the rail track will constitute a vital link in a new international rail corridor China – Central Asia – Europe. Apart from utilizing the transit potentialities of Uzbekistan, the project is expected to afford ample opportunities for further exploitation of rich mineral resources, thus creating a solid foundation for the development in the Republic of manufacturing, construction, transport and communication, healthcare, education and servicers. The project will also contribute to the intensification of Uzbekistan’s export potential and penetration into foreign markets.
The creation of the special Angren Free Industrial Zone is, thus, conducive to the further development of manufacturing and infrastructural facilities in the country, creation of new jobs, as well as to the prosperity of Uzbekistan as a whole.
(Source: «Business» newspaper)
Center for analyzing global markets, investments and technologies to be created in Uzbekistan
The Center for analyzing global markets, investments and technologies under the National Bank of Uzbekistan for Foreign Economic Activity will be created in Uzbekistan.
The Government of Uzbekistan adopted a resolution “On measures on organization of activities of the Center for analyzing global markets, investments and technologies under the National Bank of Uzbekistan for Foreign Economic Activity”.
The document was adopted in order to ensure in-depth analysis of world markets, study of advanced technologies developed countries and development on this basis of detailed recommendations for investments, in particular, to the sectors of the national economy, as well as efficient organization of the preparation of economic and technological evaluation of the formation of investment projects.
The Government approved a structure of Inter-governmental group on coordination of activities of the Center for analyzing global markets, investments and technologies under the National Bank of Uzbekistan for Foreign Economic Activity (NBU). The group is headed by the board of the NBU Saidahmat Rahimov.
According to the resolution, the Coordination group determines main directions and topics of analytical activities of the Center, consider its reports at its sessions.
The Center will carry out in-depth analysis of technical development of the country and develops recommendations for implementation of investment projects in concrete industries of the Uzbek economy. It will also study leading companies, industries and markets, including their development and investment strategy.
The Center will boost cooperation with foreign banks on establishing partnership relations, attracting loans and credits to finance large investment projects.
It will cooperate with local and foreign researches, analytical centers to study and exchange information on advanced technologies, as well as financing of high-technological investment projects. The center will prepare reports and reviews in the sphere of new technologies and proposals for industries of the economy of Uzbekistan.
International cooperation
Seoul hosts International business forum “Invest in Uzbekistan”
Seoul (Republic of Korea) in cooperation with the Korean Stock Exchange hosted an International business forum “Invest in Uzbekistan”.
The work of the business forum was attended by Vice Prime Minister, Minister of strategy and finance of Korea Yoo Il-ho, Chairman of Korean stock exchange Choi Kyung-soo, over 200 executives and representatives of leading Korean companies, as well as the ministries of commerce, industry and energy, KOICA agency etc.
Opening the forum, Deputy Prime Minister of Korea Yoo Il-ho invited leading Korean companies to invest actively in Uzbekistan – one of the fastest growing and sustainable economies in the world. He emphasized that despite the global crisis, over the past 10 years, the Uzbek economy has been growing at a pace of over 8% annually, primarily due to profound structural economic reforms, implementing large-scale long-term programs on development and modernization of industry and infrastructure. These impressive results undoubtedly indicate that the leadership of Uzbekistan selected the only correct way of reform in the unpredictable conditions of constantly changing world. Macro-economic stability, dynamic development, a favorable investment climate, significant human resource and potential form all the necessary conditions for the expansion of Korean business in Uzbekistan.
He stressed that Uzbekistan is a key partner for Korea in the region in the framework of the Eurasia initiative and suggested 4 priority areas for further cooperation:
1) the development of transport-logistics infrastructure, including projects on construction and modernization of airports and transport communications that promote the growth of mutual trade;
2) implementation of energy-efficient and renewable energy technologies, projects on deep processing of hydrocarbon raw materials and the development of solar energy;
3) the extension of the innovation-the creative and technological cooperation with emerging countries, among which Uzbekistan is a major and reliable partner;
4) the development and strengthening of cooperation in the region based on the principles of mutual benefit and trust.
First Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan Rustam Azimov also delivered his welcome speech at the plenary session of the forum.
Presentations were also made by the Chairman of the State Committee of Uzbekistan on privatization, demonopolization and development of competition Davron Hidoyatov, who presented to the business community of Korea promising investment opportunities in shares of companies of the Republic and head of the Korean stock exchange, who shared the successful experience of joint work on the modernization of Republican stock exchange “Toshkent” and encouraged Korean companies to actively invest in shares of companies of Uzbekistan.
In addition, representatives of leading Korean companies LOTTE Chemical, Korean Air, and LG CNS, informed the forum participants about the successful experience of their activities and the benefits of doing business in the Republic, favorable investment climate and business environment, as well as plans to expand activities in Uzbekistan.
In turn, the Uzbek delegation at the plenary and sectional meetings of the forum held the presentation of economic and investment potential of the Republic, promising projects and opportunities for participation of Korean companies in the privatization of large enterprises of oil and gas, energy, chemicals, engineering and electrical industries, building materials industry, banking and financial institutions and infrastructure.
In the framework of the business forum there was held a ceremony of signing agreements on the results of the agreements between leading Japanese companies and joint-stock companies of the Republic providing for the sale to Korean investors share in the Charter capital of joint stock companies of Uzbekistan, as well as the implementation of joint projects in various sectors of the economy.
According to the results of the business forum, the sides noted the necessity of holding similar events on a regular basis, taking into account the shown by the business community of the Republic of Korea a great interest in the possibilities of further development of investment cooperation with enterprises of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Uzbekistan is planning to import 24 modern locomotives in the coming years
Uzbekistan Railways experts are currently developing a detailed feasibility study of the project.
It is planned to purchase 16 freight and 8 passenger locomotives. Experts estimate that by 2020, the company will be able to increase passenger and freight transportation 1.2 times. The imported equipment will run on electricity due to the gradual electrification of the whole Uzbek railway network, and, particularly owing to the completion of works on the Samarkand-Bukhara, Karshi-Termez, Pap-Kokand-Marghilan-Andijan sections in the next four years.
The new trains will allow increasing the speed and reliability of shipped goods, which, in turn, will help to reduce the producers’ requirements for the working assets and, therefore, reduce the cost of production and distribution of goods, as well as scale up the competitiveness of the economy. Enhancement of population mobility is another essential and positive factor.
In January-March of 2016, the Uzbek railway transported 16.7 million tons of cargo, which is 100,000 tons more YOY.
As the company’s first deputy chairman Davron Dehkanov noted during the press conference in Tashkent, passenger traffic has increased during this period and reached 4.9 million passengers. Along with that, the company has provided export services for $81.4 million.
“We have disbursed about $187.5 million under our investment projects in the first three months of the current year, thereby exceeding the forecast by 5%. The funds have been channeled for the implementation of strategically important projects like the construction of a new electrified railway line Angren-Pap, electrification of the railway section Samarkand-Bukhara and launch of high-speed passenger traffic on it, as well as the construction of the railway line Navoi-Kanimekh-Misken,” said Davron Dehkanov.
He emphasized that all construction works on the Angren-Pap section have been almost completed. Tunneling works were completed in the main trunk of the tunnel in February. The workers are currently busy with finishing works, laying steel rails and electrification. Prior to that, in August 2015, they completed the construction of the railway on both sides of the tunnel on the section of 104 kilometers.
It is planned to disburse a total of more than $799.2 million investment in the industry under the investment program for 2016. The funds will also be channeled to the further construction of the double-track electrified railway line Jizzakh-Yangiyer, establishment of the high-speed passenger traffic on the Tashkent-Samarkand section, rehabilitation of railway tracks, rehabilitation of locomotives, upgrade and re-equipment of freight wagons.
Uzbekistan Railways is planning to implement projects totaling 42 billion soums (currency rates of CB RU from 12.05.2016, 1$= 2909.25 soums) under the Program of Localization. In January-March, the company localized products worth12.6 billion soums.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
Kitab reserve to be included in global geoparks network of UNESCO
Prospects of development in our Republic of ecotourism was in the focus of a seminar that took place in the capital.
The event was organized by the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Geology and Mineral Resources, and its participants were employees of the State Committee for nature protection of the country, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, national company “Uzbektourism”, the International program of UNESCO geoparks and the Kitab state geological reserve.
The main theme of the seminar was the inclusion of reserve in the global network of geoparks of UNESCO and the possibility of expanding the registry of the eco-tourism facilities in our country.
Created in Uzbekistan a third of a century ago, the reserve has attracted quite by chance in our days the attention of the international environmental community. The territory of this nature-protected object, which is worth to note, has the status of international natural geological reserve and represents a unique corner of the planet.
The reserve is located in the picturesque spurs of Zarafshan ridge, on the coast of the river Jindarya and only 45 km East of the district center – the town of Kitab. The amazing natural road to the area runs through the ancient town of Shakhrisabz, the birthplace of the great statesman Amir Temur.
Shakhrisabz, has 2700 years of history, in ancient times was called Kesh. Famous travelers, such as Chinese monk Xuan Jian (VII century), Italian merchant Marco Polo (XIII century), Spanish Ambassador to the court of Amir Temur Rui Gonzalez de Clavijo (XIV century), all of them have left enthusiastic testimonies about it.
The reserve is relatively small. Its territory is located at elevations of 1300 meters to 2650 meters below sea level, is nearly 40 thousand hectares. But what are the hectares! Mountains dissected unique in its beauty, depth and diversity of gorges and covered with thickets of juniper.
The North-Eastern part of the reserve is the picturesque gorge of Shirdor with panoramic views of snow-capped peaks of the Hissar range and mount Hazret-Sultan. The name is not accidental – according to a legend, the saint was buried at the mount.
The main attraction of the reserve – marine sedimentary deposits with a capacity of 4130 meters! A kind of layer cake of rocks was “baked” by nature 370-470 million years ago in a very important for the history of the planet period in the Paleozoic era.
Changes once occurred significantly influenced the formation and development of life on it. These details, with a millions of years of history, can be traced back through the “stuffing” of the Kitab pie. The things that the world presented in its other regions fragmented, nature gathered all of them here in quite a small area.
Artifacts from the Natural museum visitors will be able to see deployed in the reserve exposures.
But most interesting, of course, access to paleontological and stratigraphic section, go along it on paved trails and to see unique objects from the viewing platforms.
However, the Kitab reserve is famous not only with a glimpse into the past of our planet. The area is also rich and interesting with its representatives of the modern fauna and flora.
Juniper forest, various trees and shrubs, flowing rivers, waterfalls, elevation, subalpine landscapes, rich forage base and the protected mode provided the most favorable opportunities of modern biodiversity.
The waters of the reserve are inhabited by three species of fish. There are also two species of reptiles. Mammals are represented by 21 species, birds 128. All vertebrates 168. Of them, at least a dozen is listed in the Red book of Uzbekistan.
One of such reserve protected species is Tien Shan brown bear. A feature of the species – light color, bright, long claws on the front paws. Height for bears is relatively small – no more than 140 centimeters. At the beginning of the last century, bears of this subspecies in Uzbekistan could be met everywhere, even in the vicinity of Tashkent.
Other fauna and flora are also carefully protected. Four species of birds of prey that are permanent inhabitants of the reserve are listed in the Red book of Uzbekistan and Red list of the International Union for the conservation of nature. It is the Griffon vulture, black vulture, bearded vulture and golden eagle.
Many of the 800 species growing in the reserve plants are of great practical interest. 280 of them are already being used in official and folk medicine.
In the field of international tourism, as was noted at the seminar, ecotourism or otherwise, geotourism is seen as one of the most promising areas. Our country due to its geographical position, rich in geological history and unique landscape has a very high potential for the development of such tourism. This opens up for the Republic also the greatest opportunity to create complexes of geoparks and to carry out geotours.
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