2 January announced as day-off in Uzbekistan. 1
Government channels 2.1 trillion soums towards construction of affordable houses. 2
Survey: A woman plays a growing role in the life of Uzbekistan. 2
2 January announced as day-off in Uzbekistan
2 January 2017 announced as day-off in Uzbekistan.
President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev today signed an order “On announcing 2 January 2017 as the day-off”.
The decision was adopted to create favourable conditions for rest and in connection with celebration of New Year – 2017.
The document said that the Uzbek leader also took into account appeals of the citizens and public organization of the country during adoption of the decision.
The leading supplier of agricultural machinery, Uzselkhozmashlizing, has plans afoot to lease more than 3,200 items totaling 281.2 billion soums to domestic agricultural enterprises on a YOY basis
The hardware include general service tractors TTZ-YUONS, plowing machines, combine harvesters Dominator-130, grain drills, cultivators, sprayers, plows and many other types of agricultural machinery.
Over the years, the company has grown into one of the most reliable partners for agricultural enterprises. Today, it cooperates with over 30,000 farms, machine and tractor fleets, Agrotekhservis enterprises, Uzdonmahsulot branches, Uzpakhtasanoat, Uzagrokimyohimoya, and other companies and organizations.
In the last 15 years alone, Uzselkhozmashlizing supplied nearly about 60,000 items of agricultural machinery for a total of 1.7 trillion soums(currency rates of CB RU from 30.12.2016, 1$= 3231.48 soums). Since 2012, the company has sustained a stable increase in supplies. Meanwhile, the number of types of leased equipment has doubled and reached 60 over the past five years.
Close interaction with the farms that specialize in horticulture and animal husbandry is another important thrust of the company’s focal area. These two segments have been rapidly developing in the country, entailing the demand for the relevant machinery and equipment.
Aiming at meet the demands of the farms, the company organized supplies of leased mini tractors of G38, ТТ-40 и U62 types, which are utilized for land treatment in inter-row spacing in intensive gardening, as well as chemical processing tools VP-1M and ORPD-12M. Forage harvesters, balers and forage mixing and distribution devices M150 are popular in livestock farms.
It is noteworthy that the larger share of the supplied machinery and equipment is manufactured domestically at the Aggregate Plant, Chirchik and Tashkent agricultural machinery plants, as well as at UzCLAASagro, Lemken Chirchik, UzCASEmash, Agrikhim, Urganchkormmash and Agromash Sanoat Invest.
The company expects yet higher growth in supplies in the coming year. It is scheduled to supply more than 5,200 items of specialized equipment totaling 475 billion soums to tractor fleets and farmers in 40 districts of the republic, which is 1.7 times more YOY. Experts believe that equipment will increase the chances of agricultural producers to meet their obligations in the framework of the Food Program.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
Government channels 2.1 trillion soums towards construction of affordable houses
The National press center of Uzbekistan saw a press conference by JSCB “Qishlok Qurilish Bank” on “New patterns of Independence: achievements, experience, practice and problems in the construction of individual housing on standard projects”.
Participants of the event noted that creative work for upgrading rural infrastructure, that was started under the leadership of President Islam Karimov in the years of Independence, has won widespread importance in the framework of the State Programme, and serves to the improvement of our villages on the basis of modern architecture industry, as well as the quality lifestyle of the rural population.
The years 2009-2016 saw a targeted work on the creation of housing, social and community objects and communications in rural areas. Some 69 thousand comfortable houses with a total area 9573 thousand square meters have been built over the past period at 1308 residential areas. Living conditions of more than 83.5 thousand rural families have been improved.
The Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoev “On the Programme to build affordable houses on the updated model projects in rural areas in 2017-2021 years”, signed on 21 October this year, has become a logical continuation of large-scale reforms implemented in this direction and laid the foundation for a new stage of construction of villages. According to the Decree, based on the growing needs of the population to modern and affordable housing, the most favorable terms of concessional lending are being introduced. Further expansion of the use of new energy-saving materials and equipment will serve to reduce the cost of new housing and the establishment of affordable prices for all segments of the population.
Following new types of available houses in the countryside have been introduced in accordance with the Decree: two – and three-story multi-family (2-and 3-bedroom) residential buildings with outbuildings and yards; single-storey 2-and 3-bedroom houses placed in areas on the land plots of 0,02 hectares with outbuildings; two-storey 4-bedroom semi-detached houses that are placed on the land plots of 0,04 ha, with outbuildings.
Under the new Program, the initial fee for developers for first and the second type is only 15 percent. And this, in turn, will help to attract broad segments of the rural population to the Programme.
2 trillion 121.5 billion soums (currency rates of CB RU from 30.12.2016, 1$= 3231.48 soums) will be channeled towards the funding of the Programme only in 2017. Credit funds at the expense of own funds of developers will worth 478.9 billion soums, as well as 1642.6 billion soums at the expense of the state budget and commercial banks.
(Source: UzReport.uz)
Survey: A woman plays a growing role in the life of Uzbekistan
The centre for public opinion studies – “Ijtimoiy Fikr” conducted a sociological survey “Women of Uzbekistan – 2016: social wellbeing and social mood”. The main purpose of the study was to identify women’s positions about the effectiveness of the activities carried out within the framework of public policies aimed at enhancing the role and status of women, and to explore major social awareness and attitudes of women of Uzbekistan.
The survey was conducted in all regions of the Republic, having involved the representatives of all social groups, different nationalities and religious confessions, urban and rural women, the youth and the older generation.
The survey results evidenced the effectiveness of the policy pursued by the government towards women and aimed at enhancing the role and status of women in the society, ensuring their full participation in the socio-political, socio-economic and cultural life of the country. The survey showed that due to the conditions created in the country over the years of independence, the status of women in the society, their political, social and economic activity have been improved. Realizing their intellectual and spiritual potential, the modern woman of Uzbekistan participates in the modernization and renewal of all spheres of the state and society.
According to the survey, a woman in Uzbekistan plays an increasingly important role in the life of the country, takes an active part in the processes of state and social construction. 87.2% of interviewed survey participants had the same point of view. This is a clear evidence of a qualitatively new stage of integration of women into the modern life of state and society.
The monitoring of public opinion survey revealed a high civil and social activity of women. Woman of Uzbekistan display a professional and creative ability in all spheres of life: economic, political, social, cultural, and this is confirmed by the results of a public opinion survey. The survey revealed changes in the participation and role of women in various areas of the country, society and family. Analysis of the results showed that women increasingly participate in all spheres of life. The vast majority of respondents (89.3%) noted the increased involvement of women in the field of entrepreneurship and small business, as well as in the field of culture and art (86.5%), education, health, social security (81.5%).
The majority of survey participants noted the increased role of women in the family. Women are responsible for the physical and spiritual health of the younger generation, its harmonious development, educating youth in the spirit of national and universal values, protecting children from alien to our mentality negative ideas. Personal qualities of a woman, her worldview, cultural level, values, and daily work create a positive climate in the family, the atmosphere of mutual understanding, positive impact on relationships between family members and different generations.
According to the survey, the modern woman makes a significant contribution to the family budget, participates in decisions concerning the life of the family and its members. All of this is the contribution of women to the development of the family and the society as a whole.
The country’s legal norms regulating the issues of reconciliation of professional and family responsibilities by women, health of mothers, providing them with various benefits, ensure further involvement of women in public life and increase their participation in nation building.
In the course of the study, the respondents answered the questions about how, in their opinion, the role of women in Uzbek society and in the country as a whole will change in the coming years. The majority of survey participants (70.7%) believe that the status and role of women in state and public construction will increase further.
The results of the survey demonstrated that women of today’s Uzbekistan are initiative, enterprising, socially responsible, an active member of all transformations ongoing the country, and consider the motherhood as their main purpose. 82.4% of survey participants said that they consider the role of mother as the most important social function. The results are quite natural, since it is through motherhood the socialization of women in the society happens.
At that, as shown by the results of the study, women’s demand for professional activities is growing. The engagement of women outside the home reveals the natural ability of women, enriches the intellectual and emotional world, creates opportunities for the comprehensive development of women, enhances her social status.
The results of the survey showed that Uzbek women feel social support in connection with the execution and implementation of presidential Decree “On additional measures on supporting activities of Women’s Committee of Uzbekistan” dated 25 January 2004. The vast majority (94.9%) of survey participants noted that women feel that support.
The survey confirmed that women in Uzbekistan are reliably protected from possible violations of their rights and freedoms. This also concerns the protection of their rights to education, work, adequate medical care, reproductive right to participate in public and political life of the country.
The survey revealed a level of legal literacy of women: every third respondent noted that she knows her civil rights, every second is aware broadly. The majority of survey participants familiar with the contents of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, one in four carefully and thoroughly acquainted with the text of the Constitution. About 40% of the respondents in an effort to further improve their legal literacy, keep track of all relevant information in the media, read legal literature, etc.
Women take an active part in the social and political life of the country, as evidenced by the survey results. The vast majority of respondents polled in all regions of the country, said the level of socio-political activity of women in their city, village, mahalla organizations in which they work has increased.
The women of Uzbekistan perceive labor as the most important value in life, and see it as a way to assert themselves in the society and the opportunity to realize their creative potential.
The majority of the women strive to improve their professional and educational level and regularly allocate time and money for self-development. The study revealed a high level of labor mobility of women: 70.4% of respondents said that they are ready in case of need to study and learn a new profession.
Social well-being and social mood are important indicators of the socio-psychological condition of the woman.
In general, as public opinion shows, the dynamics of social mood, revealed in interviews, is characterized by stability, a state of satisfaction and tranquility are predominant among the respondents.
The social optimism of survey participants noted during the analysis of the main life goals of the respondents was evident in their responses to the question: “Do you consider yourself happy?” Most of the respondents answered YES.
As shown by the results of the survey, most of the respondents (82.1%) are convinced that will be able to realize their life goals and aspirations.
The main factors that inspire optimism and faith in a prosperous and stable future, the survey showed, for most women are peaceful situation in the country, political stability and socio-economic situation in the society, peace in family life and the welfare of friends and relatives, the opportunity to pursue their passions, own successes and the successes of the children.
Nuroniy Foundation renamed
President of Uzbekistan signed a decree “On measures on further improving activities of Nuroniy Foundation on social support of veterans of Uzbekistan” on 28 December 2016.
According to the decree, Nuroniy Foundation on social support of veterans of Uzbekistan will be renamed into Foundation on support of public activities of veterans of Uzbekistan “Nuroniy” in the form of public union.
Renamed foundation was entrusted to create conditions for participation of veterans in strengthening spiritual bases for modernization and development of Uzbekistan, as well as in public-political life of the country.
The foundation will also create conditions for attracting elder people and veterans to public activities, directed at upbringing youth in spirit of respect to traditions of people, love to the Motherland, respect to elder people, etc.
The foundations will provide assistance to the government in realization of important priorities of the state policy in improving quality of life of elder people, support their social activities after they retire, including their participation in public-political life of the country.
Nuroniy Foundation will control over execution of the legislation on pensions and preferences, provided to elder people, providing to social and medical aid to elder people and other layers of population.
The organization will provide social and material support to single and needy elder people, as well as assist in satisfaction of their needs.
According to the decree, the foundation will organize various social-cultural events for elder people, telemarathons, sport events, creative events with participation of the elder people.
(Source: UzDaily.com)
International cooperation
On December 28, 2016 the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan Abdulaziz Kamilov received the newly appointed Ambassador of Turkey Ahmet Bashar Shen
On December 28, 2016 the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan Abdulaziz Kamilov received the newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Turkey Ahmet Bashar Shen.
The Minister received a copy of the credentials of the Ambassador.
During the meeting it was noted that currently constructive and open relationship has been established between Uzbekistan and Turkey and it allows to develop cooperation on the basis of the traditional friendship and partnership in political, trade-economic, investment, cultural-humanitarian and other spheres.
Successful outcomes of the Uzbek-Turkish meeting on November 17-18, 2016 in Samarkand are the evidence of it. In this context, specific issues of implementation of the reached agreements were discussed.
During the talks the sides also exchanged views on the time and content of upcoming bilateral contacts, including political consultations between the Foreign Ministries.
(Source: Press Service of the MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
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