“Investment portal of Uzbekistan”

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Uzbekistan announces visa waiver for citizens of 45 countries (List)

Important Visa Information for Indian Citizens Travelling to Uzbekistan

August 14, 2014


August 14, 2014

economy.. 2

Uzbekistan to create small industrial zones. 2

International cooperation.. 2

The Dynamically Advancing Uzbek-Chinese Cooperation. 2

the ministry of foreign affairs of the republic of uzbekistan.. 3

Uzbekistan’s Foreign Ministry launches its facebook account3


Diplomacy of Previous Times. 3










Uzbekistan to create small industrial zones

Small industrial zones will be created in Uzbekistan. About 57 lands with average size of 0.2-0.3 hectares each will be allocated to creation of the zones.

Uzbek President entrusted ministries and departments to develop and approve regulation on order of creation and organization of these zones by the end of August 2014.

First Deputy Chairperson of the State Competition Committee Sayfiddin Gafarov said that the state will create all necessary communications and infrastructure at these small industrial zones.

Small industrial zones will be created in eight regions of Uzbekistan. He said that each enterprise will receive land area to implement their business projects.

By the end of August, it is also planned to determine a list of concrete projects, which will be implemented in new industrial zones.


International cooperation

The Dynamically Advancing Uzbek-Chinese Cooperation

A regular session of the Subcommittee for Energy Cooperation of the Uzbek-Chinese Intergovernmental Committee for Cooperation took place 12 August at the International Business Center in Tashkent.

The event was attended by heads of ministries and other government agencies, companies and corporations of Uzbekistan and China, specializing in such areas as foreign economic relations, banking and finance, and overall economic, hydrocarbon, energy and geology sectors.

Speaking at the session, Minister of Economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan G.Saidova stressed in particular that the interaction between our two nations has been steadily advancing across many spheres, including in trade, economy, investments, energy, whose important normative foundations are built on agreements reached during meetings of leaders of the two countries. The participation of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov in the 4th Summit of the Conference for Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia that took place earlier in May and his meeting with President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping epitomized a new phase in the evolution of strategic partnership between the two countries.

The Sino-Uzbek ties have been progressing in all areas on the basis of the Treaty on Partnership Relations of Friendship and Cooperation, the Joint Declaration on the Establishment of Strategic Partnership as well as the Joint Declaration on the Further Development and Enhancement of Bilateral Relations of Strategic Partnership. China prevails among the trade-economic and investment partners of our country. Founded in 2011, the Uzbek-Chinese Intergovernmental Committee for Cooperation facilitates the enlargement of trade-economic and investment ties, the interaction in the energy, hydrocarbon, transportation and scientific-technical spheres.

Uzbekistan and the PRC enjoy the most-favored-nation regime in their economic relations. The volume of bilateral trade turnover has been constantly on the rise. In January-May 2014, the indicator amounted to around 2.2 billion US dollars. 482 joint ventures established with the participation of Chinese capital operate in Uzbekistan. More than seventy companies from the PRC have their representative offices in our country.

The premium business environment created in the nation, the privileges and the system of guarantees directed at securing the interests of foreign investors raise the significance and confidence of overseas entrepreneurs on the Uzbek economy.

Chinese businesspeople are active in a range of economic zones created in our country. Notably, more than fifteen joint projects with the engagement of direct investments worth 50 million dollars are envisioned to be implemented this year in the Jizzakh Special Industrial Zone.

The cooperation with the PRC has been consistently enhancing also in the fuel and energy complex. That all four stripes of the gas pipeline Central Asia-China pass through the land of Uzbekistan is suggestive of the high level of mutual trust and of the promising partnership in the hydrocarbon industry.

Our two countries regard the construction and launch of the fourth line of the Central Asia-China gas pipeline as an important project with strategic significance. Within the frameworks of the state visit by the President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping to our country in September 2013, a document was signed to launch the construction of this line with a capacity of supplying 30 billion cubic meters of natural gas a year. That is expected to allow for a greater expansion of export of natural gas and its transit from Central Asia to the PRC.

Chinese companies have been energetic in their involvement in geological prospecting and development of prospective hydrocarbon deposits. In particular, the China National Petroleum Corporation participates in the implementation of a project for deep reprocessing of natural gas at the Mubarek Gas Chemical Complex.

Our country has also been enthusiastically cooperating with the China Development Bank and the Eximbank. China Development Bank takes part in diverse projects in the energy sector, transportation, telecommunications, healthcare, education and other areas for a total of over 3.8 billion dollars.

Along with the development of oil and gas deposits, deep reprocessing of hydrocarbons is underway in our country’s oil and gas sector, and the types of goods produced from them have been growing in number. As a result of construction of such enterprises, petro- and gas-chemical industry built on cutting-edge technologies has been advancing.

Chinese businesspeople noted that the economic stability in Uzbekistan is acknowledged in the international arena, and expressed willingness to take part in major projects realized in our country.

“Uzbekistan has a great potential in the sphere of economy and energy,” says Wu Xinxiong, China’s Vice Minister of National Development and Reforms Commission and Director of the National Energy Administration. “The mutually advantageous bonds between our two countries in these spheres are being cemented. Also, solar and wind energy is another promising dimension of our interaction. The current meeting of the committee serves the joint elaboration and realization of prospective projects.”

At the forum the participants discussed in detail the current state and prospects of cooperation between Uzbekistan and China in the economy, hydrocarbons and energy sectors, as well as issues concerning the further enhancement and consolidation of bilateral relations, the implementation of mutually beneficial joint schemes.

(Source: UzA)

the ministry of foreign affairs of the republic of uzbekistan

Uzbekistan’s Foreign Ministry launches its facebook account

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan has launched its account on Facebook at

We hope that this page will satisfy the world’s growing interest in Uzbekistan, as well as foreign and domestic policy pursued by the leadership of the country.

(Source: Press Service of the MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan)


Diplomacy of Previous Times

For the first time Uzbekistan specialists have profoundly studied the diplomatic skills of Karakhitans and all Central Asia within the period of the Middle Ages.

With such a conclusion comes to an end the implementation of the project ‘Diplomatic institutions in the nation-building: the stages of development and their specificity in the Middle Ages.’ These researches the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences conducted for three years within the science and technology programs and academic grant of the Coordinating Committee for Development of Science and Technology. Thanks to the scholars the most complete picture of the development of the diplomatic skills of the peoples of Central Asia emerged.

“It is now foreign embassies operate freely in the Central Asian states, and their activity is complied with international law. But it was not always. History knows the time when the work of diplomats was very dangerous, and the ambassador was obliged to observe the traditions and customs of the country in which he was sent,” tells the Candidate of History, a member of the research team, Husniddin Mamadaliev. “During the research we have studied the manuscript sources and correspondence of rulers stored in the archives and libraries of Uzbekistan, Russia, China, India, England and Germany. This helped us to discover many previously unknown facts, and for the first time to put them into use.”

A huge work is done, covering the little-known pages of the development of diplomatic skills in Central Asia. Based on materials in Sogd language from the mountain of Mug, wall paintings and numismatics, as well as the Chinese annals and chronicles, the nature of the international relations of the region from the 5th to the first half of the 8th century was revealed. Arab and Persian sources have allowed to identify the main aspects of the development of diplomatic institutions of the states of Samanids, Karakhanids, Karakhitans and Khorazmshahs within the 9th – 12th centuries. The development of ambassadorial relations in the states of Amir Temur and the Temurids has been traced. The requirements for the personal characters of ambassadors in Bukhoro Emirate, Khiva and Quqon Khanates have been analyzed. For the first time scholars have described the diplomatic traditions of meeting of ambassadors, business meetings, documenting the results of the negotiations, and much more.

“Within the project we for the first time have collected and studied in detail the material about the features of diplomacy in the Karakhitan Empire, which ruled in Central Asia about a hundred years. The dynasty established authority on the territory of Central Asia and built a strong and advanced state, which was based on Chinese traditions and customs,” says the senior researcher Dilnoza Duturaeva. “Studies turned interesting because this period is still poorly known – almost no documents. Information could be picked up only from sources on other countries that had diplomatic ties with this mysterious state.”

…What is the diplomacy of the future? Time will show. Today, only one thing could be asserted, in Uzbekistan it will be created by specialists who better know the history and traditions. The materials obtained within the project ‘Diplomatic institutions in nation-building: development stages and their peculiarities in the Middle Ages’ have already laid the foundation for new training aids and textbooks used by students of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, as well as the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies and other education institutions training diplomats.

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)