May 2, 2014
Uzbekistan creates 1,8498.3 hectares of new gardens. 2
At Business Forum Uzbekistan and South Korea discuss prospects for further cooperation. 2
special industrial zone “Angren”. 3
New sugar plant to be commissioned in SIZ Angren. 3
9 May – Day of Memory and Honor.. 3
Mahmud ibn al-Xuseyn ibn Muhamed Kashghari4
Press-service of MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Uzbekistan creates 1,8498.3 hectares of new gardens
Uzbekistan continued to implement measures on technical and technological modernization of agriculture sector.
In the first quarter of 2014, Uzbekistan created new gardens at 1,843.3 hectares of garden, of which 873.9 hectares were intensive gardens, vineyards – 4.7 hectares, 53 greenhouses – 48 hectares, the article, published by Ministry of Economy and State Statistics Committee of Uzbekistan said.
About 3,100 hectares of gardens and 5,000 hectares of vineyards were reconstructed in Uzbekistan in the reporting period.
In order to improve the fertility of agricultural land within the State programme for reclamation and water resources management for 2013-2017, in the I quarter of this year Uzbekistan constructed and reconstructed 179.5 km of collectors, 4 drainage wells, 102 observation wells and 5.2 km closed horizontal drainage network, repaired 1,800 km of inter-farm and on-farm drainage systems.
In the first quarter of 2014, Uzbekistan implemented 550 projects for development of animal husbandry, 262 projects for development of poultry, 345 fish breeding projects on 1.3 hectares of artificial and 4.6 hectares of natural water reserves, and 255 projects development of bee farms.
In the result of adopted measures, Uzbekistan increased production of vegetables by 10.8%, meat – 6%, milk – 6.7% and eggs – 13.5%.
Total number cattle in Uzbekistan grew by 4% to 10.6 million heads.
At Business Forum Uzbekistan and South Korea discuss prospects for further cooperation
Tashkent hosted Uzbekistan-South Korea Business Forum, during which cooperation prospects between the two countries were discussed.
The South Korean delegation, including businesspeople, scientists, experts and academics arrived in our country to participate in this event.
The Uzbek side consisted of heads of ministries and agencies, as well as staff of research and educational institutions.
During the forum it was emphasized that at present multifaceted relations between Uzbekistan and South Korea are developing on the basis of Joint Declaration on Strategic Partnership signed in 2006.
South Korea is one of the largest investment partners of Uzbekistan. Last year, trade turnover between the two countries increased by 4 times and amounted to $2.1 billion. The volume of direct Korean investments reached $6 billion. In Uzbekistan, there are about 420 joint ventures with South Korean capital, offices of about 80 South Korean companies opened in Uzbekistan. Currently a number of strategic projects are being implemented in Uzbekistan in collaboration with the Korean investors. For example, Ustyurt Gas Chemical Complex project is clear evidence the Uzbek- Korean cooperation.
It was also noted at the forum that Eurasian countries with emerging economies are becoming a driving force in the global economy in the backdrop of the global financial and economic crisis. In particular, Uzbekistan, a Central Asian country, as one of the centers of the Silk Road connecting Asia and Europe, is viewed as a country with great potential in logistics and trade.
– President of the Republic of Korea Park Geun-hye initiated further development of mutual cooperation between the countries of the Eurasian region, said the executive director of the National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences of the Republic of Korea Ahn Yong Se. – Uzbekistan is one of the main partners of South Korea in the region. This Forum has provided an opportunity for research institutions to exchange views on the new prospects of cooperation.
The event emphasized that the logistics are extremely important in the expansion of international trade. The main objective of logistics is to create constant, 24 hour connections between various countries and regions through transport corridors. The transport logistics not only assists to various industries, but also brings very high added value. Currently, Uzbekistan in Central Asia and Korea in Northeast Asia are seeking to establish a regional logistics hub. For this it is necessary to define the free trade and economic zones.
The Business Forum was attended by scientists and experts from nine research institutes in South Korea. They analyze and identify, from scientific point, the new areas of cooperation. Sharing knowledge and experience will further expand relations in such areas as energy, transports, logistics and others.
special industrial zone “Angren”
New sugar plant to be commissioned in SIZ Angren
Second sugar plant in Uzbekistan will be commissioned in special industrial zone Angren, local newspaper Pravda Vostoka reported.
After launch of Angren Shakar, Uzbekistan will meet its internal demand for sugar for the first time. Currently, there is one plant in Khorezm region and it meets 60% of demand of Uzbekistan in sugar.
The paper said that the construction of the enterprise completed in record terms – just more than one year required to build the plant. In global practice, such plants are constructed in three years.
The newspaper noted that majority of the equipment are from stainless steel, which guarantees their long-term use. The raw materials will be delivered to production capacities via special underground containers. Such technologies will simplify process of production and improve ecological figures.
The report said that the plant has its own power station, packaging equipment and others. The shop on production of packages will produce 10 million bags.
After the launch of the plant in Angren, modernization of the capacities of the plant in Khorezm will be launched. It will require two-three months.
The project cost of the second plant is US$108.5 million. It will produce 1,000 tonnes of sugar a day. The project is implemented in cooperation with Singapore’s and Welton International Enterprises Pte. Ltd. and Kito Investment Pte. Ltd., as well as Austrian SЕID Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H.
Khorezm Shakar JV OJSC is an only sugar producer in Uzbekistan. Khorezm Sugar Plant was commissioned in 1998. The cost of the plant is US$83.25 million. Preliminary plant was designed for processing sugar-beet, which was planned to plant in Uzbekistan. The capacity of the plant was 3,000 tonnes of sugar-beet a day. But low crop pushed to conserve the plant.
Shakar Investment, an Uzbek-Austrian-US joint venture, carried out project on transfer of the capacity to processing of cane sugar with the cost of US$2 million in 2002. Currently, the plant can process 1,000 tonnes of cane sugar a day.
Shareholders of the company are Motril Investments (Panama, 69.43%), KITO Investments (Singapore, 20%), SEID Handels GmbH (Austria, 10%) and employees (0.57%).
9 May – Day of Memory and Honor
Respect and Care
Approaching the great historical date, 9th of May, the anniversary of the victory over fascism in the World War II, which in our country is celebrated as a Memorial Day. It produces inside bright senses of pride for the glorious history of the Fatherland, admiration for the feat of our fathers and grandfathers, and at the same time in the heart awakens a sense of irretrievable loss.
At that tragic war hostilities involved half a million of our fellow citizens, despite the fact that the population of the republic did not exceed then six million people. 450.000 of them were killed, 130,000 were missing. That is a terrible price Uzbekistan laid on the altar of the victory.
Honor and respect of the memory of the bygone become our national value, soaked in our blood. On the other hand, it manifests love and respect for veterans. Caring for them is our sacred duty.
Another manifestation of this concern was the recently released Presidential Decree on promotion of participants of the Second World War. In accordance with this document, lump-sum cash remuneration for UZS600,000 was allocated for them. It will be paid in a solemn and festive atmosphere.
The Decree also provided for holding special meetings and educator – velocity art evenings devoted to defenders of freedom of our country.
“Uzbekistan created all necessary conditions for a prosperous life participants in the Second World War,” First Deputy Chair of the Central Council of the National Fund for Social Support of Veterans Nuroniy Shukhrat Usmanov told our correspondent. “Each year, on the eve of 9th of May, the cash remuneration is rewarded. Doors of sanatoriums and health resorts are open to them, they receive free medicines for treatment, trips to historical places are organized. We strive to make a manifestation of love and care for veterans was observed not only during the holidays, but also in everyday life.”
(Source: “UzbekistanToday” newspaper)
The International Conference “The historical heritage of scientists and thinkers of the Medieval East, its role and significance for the modern civilization”
Mahmud ibn al-Xuseyn ibn Muhamed Kashghari
Encyclopedic-Scientist, lexicographer, linguist, ethnographer, folklorist, geographer, historian, founder of Turkology
So far neither the date of birth, or the date of death of the great scientist are defined. It is also unknown when and where he wrote his essay, where he died. According to modern Western researchers, Kashghari came from ruling family of Karakhanids. At that time aristocratic origins allowed him to get an excellent upbringing and education.
According to researchers, Kashghari , having received a primary and higher education in his home town, continued to improve his knowledge in the cultural centers of Central Asia – Bukhara, Samarkand and other cities. To complete his education, he went to Baghdad , where his idea of creating the dictionary of Turkic languages was born.
The Main Scientific Works
The only extant Kashghari’s work is his essay “Divan lugat at -Turk”
(“Dictionary of Turkic Languages” ) . This work is a dictionary, the first in the history of the Turkic peoples, acquainting with their language the Muslim world. It was conceived as an evidence of the triumph of their culture and spirit. “Divan lugat at -Turk ” consists of eight chapters and covers about 7,000 words. For illustration, Kashghari incorporated his work with samples of poetry and wise sayings of Turks. A great collection of Turkic proverbs and verses noted in Kashghari’s works as illustrations to dictionary entries are considered as a pearl of a lexicon.
The richness of the content of Mahmud Kashghari’s dictionary is a unique work, that presents :
1) vocabulary indicating tribal affiliation ;
2) information on the resettlement of the Turkic tribes ;
3 ) classification of Turkic languages ;
4) information on Turkic historical phonetics and grammar
5) information on the history, geography, ethnography, folklore and poetry of Turks;
6) the oldest Turkic world map .
From the “Divan”, it is known that Kashghari, also the author of another work which is directly related to the first, “Kitabi Jawahir al- nahv fi lugat at -Turk ” – ” The Book of Treasures of the Turkic languages Syntax .” However, this product has not been yet found.
Contribution to the World Science
The compilation of “Divan “, naturally, was preceded by many years of work on collecting linguistic, historical and ethnographic material. Materials collected by Mahmud Kashghari during his travels across the lands of the Turks, allowed him to cover a huge lexical richness in his work. Mahmud Kashghari’s Dictionary is, in the fullest sense of the word, golden placers of curious and subtle observations on the phonetics, grammar and vocabulary of a number of Turkic languages, a unique composition , survived to our time, an invaluable linguistic, ethnographic, folklore, geographic, historical information about the Turkic-speaking ethnic groups in the region .
“Divan lugat at -Turk” expanded the knowledge of Muslim science of the XI century, enriched its first encyclopedic information about the language and culture of the Turks.
It should be noted that Kashghari particularly paid attention to the most refined and pure dialect Hakaniyya in his dictionary, i.e. the language of Turkic peoples, established on the territory of Karakhanids , which became the nucleus of the Uzbek people. In this respect his work “Divan lugat at -Turk” is one of the most important sources for the history of the Uzbek language of Karakhanids era, which reflected its rich vocabulary. In addition, the merit of Kashghari is t-in the fact that he showed in his work the Turkish language is an elegant, expressive, and in this aspect, it is no worse than Arabic. It could be seen in his following words: “Turkic dialects are on par with the Arabic language, like two horses at the races”.
World Recognition
In the XX century Kashghari’s genial work “Divan lugat at-Turk”, through centuries after creation, became known worldwide as a source of knowledge whose value is being only increased over time. This work has gained fame far beyond the Muslim civilization, becoming the most valuable source of knowledge of humanity. To this day, “Divan” was translated into English, Russian, Uzbek, Turkish, Kazakh, Uygur and Chinese, and its facsimile was published.
Kashghari is considered as the first researcher of language, culture, ethnography and Turkic national history and also as an author of the Turkic Dictionary of Lexicography.