I Tashkent International Festival of Decorative and Applied Arts

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September 10, 2017

I Tashkent International Festival of Decorative and Applied Arts

Organizers: Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan
Date: November 6-11, 2017
Main venues: Central Exhibition Hall, Art Gallery of Uzbekistan, Tashkent House of Photography, Ikuo Hirayama International Caravanserai of Culture, KamoliddinBehzod Memorial Park-Museum.
Goals and objectives:
• Promotion of decorative and applied arts of various regions of Uzbekistan and other countries;
• Support of talented masters of arts and crafts and popularization of their creativity;
• Opening of new names, new forms and types of decorative and applied arts
• Continuity and preservation of traditions;
• Engagement of masters (artists) in cooperation with the leading experts of culture and figures of art of different countries of the world;
• Development of international relations, strengthening of the dialogue of cultures, traditions, achievements of different countries in the field of applied and decorative arts.
The participation is open to:

• Professional masters, artists engaged in traditional applied arts (textiles, embroidery, traditional dress, carpet weaving, ceramics, carving, artistic metal, etc.)

• Professional masters, artists and designers engaged in contemporary decorative and applied arts (art glass, non-traditional ceramics, tapestry, batik, stained glass, etc.), and in the art industry.

• The projects of one author or a team of authors, temporary or permanent exhibition projects by different authors and teams with common topic or common specific concept;

• Museums, galleries, supervisors, who specialize in contemporary decorative and applied arts.

The agenda of the I Tashkent International Festival of Decorative and Applied Arts includes a round table discussion on relevant problems of the current state of traditional and non-traditional crafts with the participation of masters and art critics; master classes and presentations of personalities and exhibition projects.
Terms and requirements for works:
The participants are required to submit their works by October 15, 2017, under the following conditions:
• The works should be performed at a highly professional level
• The Festival accepts author’s works on free topics, created within the past five years.
• The number of works, their size, topics and techniques are not regulated.
• Each work should be completely ready for exhibiting: a label on the reverse side of the work should specify the country, author, technique, year of creation, size. The work should be provided with fastening tools to hand up on)
• The exhibits are accepted with the mandatory enclosure of an application, resume and a list of works (the information can be provided in electronic form on CD/DVD, flash cards or in print form)
• All submitted works must be signed in Russian or English;
• The participants send applications personally or through their representatives (at the first stage), and works (at the second stage) to Tashkent (address: 40, Sh.Rashidov Str., Tashkent, 100029).
• There is also an opportunity of provisional admission of the works on the basis of selection and consultations with the Applications Department (photos of works and applications). In this case, you are welcome to send them by e-mail to decorart.uz@gmail.com
* The works can be delivered to the Festival Directorate after confirmation only.

Deadline for applications for participation in the Festival: until September 20, 2017
Terms of delivery of works: until October 15, 2017.
* Address, terms and hours of reception of works should be confirmed with the Festival Directorate

Additional Information
• The Festival Directorate reserves the right to select works for participation.
• The participation is free of charge.
• The participation in the festival automatically assumes that the author gives permission for photo and video shooting of his works as part of the Festival promotion.
• The organizers do not cover travel costs upon arrival in Tashkent and back.
• The organizers cover the costs of stay of foreign participants in Tashkent (hotel accommodation, meals, cultural program, visa support) for the period November 6-11.
• Delivery of works to the Festival. A participant is allowed to carry them in his/her luggage (up to 30 kg), in case if he/she flies with Uzbekistan Airways.
• The participant can also send his works (under 50 kg, size 100×100, 120×120) by diplomatic mail through the Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in his/her home country. If the works are sent by diplomatic mail, the organizers carry out a return shipment also through the diplomatic corps with the assistance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, embassies and representative offices of foreign states.
• The works sent by cash on delivery or as cargo will not be accepted.

The participants will be presented with certificates of the First Tashkent International Festival of Decorative and Applied Arts.

Directorate of the I Tashkent International Festival of Decorative and Applied Arts is available at:
Address: 40, Sh.Rashidov Str., Tashkent, 100029
Tel: +99871 256-51-46
E-mail: decorart.uz@gmail.com
Curators: GulnaraIshmuratova, Lobar Mirzabaeva

The Festival participants are kindly requested to fill out the participant application form:
Application form
of the I Tashkent International Festival of Decorative and Applied Arts

(Should be sent no later than September 20, 2017)
Full Name

Name of organization/ Department:

Project/Work Title:

Year of creation:



Project/Work description:

Photos of works submitted
Home address:

Telephone, fax, e-mail:

* Please, enclose a photocopy of your passport to this application form.