Our country is on the eve of the dearest holiday – Independence Day. In these days carried out work to bring to the countrymen and the international community the essence and significance of passed way of Uzbekistan during the years of Independence, understanding of “What we were yesterday, and who we have become today”. In this regard, one of the important themes for the UzLiDeP electorate and farmers is to ensure national food security as an important direction of the party work.
In a short period of independent development in Uzbekistan has undergone profound reforms that have allowed almost completely diversifying agriculture, to provide our population major food crops, establish large volumes of their exports. Since the country’s independence, agriculture in our country shows stable growth rates, including the past 10 years- at least 6-7% a year.
UzLiDeP and its activists and electorate make their worthy contribution to the food security of the country. In the program documents of UzLiDeP special attention are paid on increasing crop yields, livestock productivity, accelerate the development of processing industries in rural areas. In this regard, UzLiDeP is working to create the conditions for the development of agriculture in the country.
To this work is also actively involved the deputy corps of the party. UzLiDeP with the participation of deputies and representatives of other organizations are conducting public discussions to improve the current legal framework. Namely analyzes enforce such laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan as “On quality and safety of food products”, “On technical regulation”, “On Seed”, “On Protection of Consumers’ Rights”, “On veterinary medicine”, “On state sanitary control” and other as well as make recommendations to the faction of the party in the Legislative Chamber for further its improvement.
UzLiDeP in cooperation with the Council of Farmers of Uzbekistan are realizing the projects “Modernization agrarian sector of economy”, “Well-founded family”, “Women farmers”, “Development of cooperation in the agricultural sector”, “Young farmers”, etc. which are aimed at further deepening the reforms in agriculture, the development of farmer’s movement, increasing production, processing and export of food products.
UzLiDeP is the party of concrete actions. In particular in 2015 year the party implements 1300 projects, of which up to now have been completed about 500 projects to open new modern and modernize existing enterprises in the food industry in the regions. As a result, it was invested 66 billion soums of own funds project initiators, about 73 billion sums of funds commercial banks and foreign investments in the amount of 686 thousand US dollars where more than 4.2 thousand new jobs were created.
Control the implementation of regional investment projects carry out more than 2.1 thousand UzLiDep deputies. In particular, during the first half of 2015 organized 48 control and analytical work, heard reports of 198 heads of local administrations and commercial banks and directed more than 640 deputies’ inquiries to officials of the regional enterprises and organizations on the implementation of these projects.
UzLiDeP also developed a comprehensive program of action for 2015-2019, which provides phased development of agriculture as well as increase food production until 2020 in 2.2 times under deputy control over their implementation.
In general, it should be noted that the efforts of Uzbekistan in ensuring food security receive international recognition. As a result, Uzbekistan received an award for achieving the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) in June of the current year and outstanding progress towards the elimination of hunger in Rome, this once again confirms the correctness of reforms carried out in agricultural sector of Uzbekistan.
The main fact is that Uzbekistan has created all necessary conditions for dynamic development the agricultural sector, which has a huge potential. UzLiDeP and its electorate will make every effort to move on the chosen path of Motherland.