Respected mothers!
Dear sisters, dear daughters!
In this long-awaited spring days when it’s a wonderful time of awakening and renewal of nature, it gives me great pleasure to sincerely congratulate you, my dears, and all the women of Uzbekistan with a wonderful holiday of March 8.
In our lives there are many bright holidays that we celebrate widely. And a special place among them takes March 8, when hearts are filled with a sense of beauty and joy, charm and freshness of spring. Even if we did not have such a wonderful holiday, I think it had to be established.
After all, this holiday gives us another opportunity to sincerely say in your honor most sincere, most sublime words to express to you my high esteem, feelings of love and devotion, dear women, truly incomparable creations of God.
We all know how much heartfelt words said by our thinkers and poets about the woman, her beauty and tenderness, that she is a symbol of kindness and selflessness, homemaker.
Above all, we are reminded wise saying of our great ancestor Alisher Navoi “Paradise – at the feet of mothers” and with a sense of indebtedness we all bow before the sacred image of the mother.
With the onset of the holiday March 8 every family, in every home we trying to say about our dear women are the most beautiful, heart-felt words as if becomes a poet, and believe that such feelings inspire us always. Of course, to be a poet is not given to everyone, but on behalf of all the men of our country, I want to express to you, my dears, great respect and appreciation and sincerely, from the bottom of my heart I wish all your dreams come true, noble aspirations and hopes become real.
Now, turning to you, I would like to note: our people always with a special love and respect treated their mothers, sisters, life partners. But it was in the years of independence so reverent attitude towards women, an understanding of how they are expensive and are close to us, comprehensive attention and care about them abound in new, more profound meaning.
If we talk about the origins of this phenomenon, it should be emphasized that in recent years has changed dramatically and is constantly enhanced our relationship to the family, the woman, to life in general.
It is known that the level of democratic, cultural and spiritual development of any country is largely determined by the attitude of the state and society to women, their rights and protect their vital interests.
People who appreciates and comprehensive care for women, the creation of decent conditions for them and thus exhibits a high level of culture and spirituality, their immutable values, certainly deserves great respect.
It is therefore quite natural that we pay so much attention to the education of our children, the younger generation in this spirit – in the spirit of national and universal values. When it comes to this, it should be noted that today many truths for ourselves we open again. In our minds more and more stronger and becomes a life philosophy the idea that if a woman’s life is beautiful – a world is wonderful, if a woman is happy, a family, whole society is happy.
Of course, we appreciate that our women have always been the most reliable support in the preservation of families, mahallas, across the country of an atmosphere of peace, harmony and mutual respect, and today because of its unique qualities they fill the lives of their families, our lives with light, goodness and love.
Dear friends!
All of you are well aware that the path of democratic renewal, built in our country free and prosperous life we do a great job to enhance the role and status of women in society and ensure their rights and legal interests, exercise their abilities and potential, in a word, the development of our women equal, creative and active members of society.
Speaking of which, I consider it appropriate to briefly carried out by us in the last year working on the implementation of the State program “Year of a healthy baby”. It should be noted that, along with other important activities conducted medical examination over 13.6 million women and children, as a result of health recreation 2.8 million women and 2.5 million children.
Another practical concerns for our women became the release for young families for purchase purposes, construction and reconstruction of housing, durable goods almost 215 billion soums of preferential mortgage loans and 57 billion soums of interest-free loans, as well as free issue of young athletes sets sportswear 6 billion soums.
In short, only the realization of the “Year of a healthy child” from all sources of funding was directed 4 trillion 795 billion soums and more than 260 million US dollars, which certainly shows how enormous scale and scope of services our work.
Today, the growing level of political and legal culture, social activism of women in our country can be observed at all levels of state and public administration, the judicial system, in the activities of non-governmental organizations, social structures, in all areas and sectors of our society as a whole.
When it comes to this, it is necessary to emphasize that 17 percent of the members of the Senate and 16 percent of the deputies of the Legislative Chamber composed of women, hundreds of women are active in regional, city and district Council of deputies.
Currently, women with their knowledge and experience, professionalism and skill have leading positions in many areas. The development of these key areas and industries are becoming increasingly important in our lives as farmers’ movement, small business and private entrepreneurship, modern industry based on high technology, science, medicine, education and training, culture and art, and other hard to imagine without the participation of women.
In this regard, I would like to recall a truth which again and again confirms the life itself.
Only a healthy mother was born a healthy baby. Only spiritually rich with knowledge and high intellectual potential mothers can raise harmonious development of children.
Deeply aware of this, we in our country are carefully designed and consistently implementing aimed at long-term national programs to improve the health of women, protection of family, motherhood and childhood, develop physically healthy and spiritually mature younger generation, and it gives great results today, which makes all of us a sense of pride.
Of course, a lot to say about this, cite many examples, but I want to draw your attention to just a few figures.
Over the past three years our students of secondary schools, academic lyceums and professional colleges, university students at prestigious international Olympiads were awarded 110 medals, 44 of which won by girls.
With great joy it should be noted that at the International contest in the field of art and music, held in major cultural centers of the world such as Paris, Rome, Berlin, Tokyo, Moscow, Prague, Cairo, Seoul, New Delhi, more than 530 young representatives of Uzbekistan were winners, among them about 240 girls.
Over the same period, more than 1850 of our talented young athletes have won in various international competitions, and we are pleased that about 620 of them – girls.
Undoubtedly, dear women, a huge recognition deserves your great achievements in upbringing of our support and hope – children, including girls, as healthy and harmoniously developed, independently thinking individuals, mastering modern knowledge and professions, able to compete on an equal footing in all spheres with their counterparts from developed countries, in the fence from negative ideas and influences for our youth.
In these wonderful holidays throughout the country is widely celebrated the 100th anniversary of the date of birth of the national poetess of Uzbekistan Zulfiya, who is another practical embodiment shown by our state, society boundless respect and reverence for the woman and gives even greater significance, beauty and charm of this holiday 8 of March.
Dear woman, dear sisters and daughters!
Once again, I heartily congratulate all of you with a wonderful spring holiday of March 8!
Let never leave you a fortune, beauty and love!
Let in your homes will always be family warmth, well-being and prosperity, peace and prosperity!
Be healthy and happy, our dear women!
Islam Karimov,
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan