June 12, 2023
The Central Election Commission (CEC) of Uzbekistan registered of presidential candidates nominated by political parties of the country.
The “Adolat” Social Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, the Movement of Entrepreneurs and Businessmen – Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan and the Ecological Party of Uzbekistan submitted to the Central Election Commission an application for registration of the presidential candidates nominated by these parties and submitted the signature lists in support of the candidates.

The expert groups of the Central Election Commission verified the correctness of the signature lists submitted by these four parties in support of the candidates from May 31 to June 2 this year in strict compliance with the electoral legislation.
As a result of the review, taking into account the fact that the signatures submitted by the political parties were collected in accordance with the legal provisions, the members of the expert groups concluded that the signature lists of four political parties had been collected in sufficient numbers to register their nominated candidates for the post of President of Uzbekistan and also complied with the legal provisions.
Taking into account the conclusions presented by the expert groups and on the basis that the documents submitted by the political parties fully complied with the legal requirements and were submitted in the prescribed manner and within the prescribed deadlines, the working group of the Central Election Commission presented its conclusion on the registration of the candidates nominated by the political parties for the post of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
CEC adopted a Resolution on the registration of Ulugbek Inoyatov of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev of the Movement of Entrepreneurs and Businessmen – Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, Robakhon Makhmudova of the Social Democratic Party of Uzbekistan and Abdushukur Khamzaev of the Ecological Party of Uzbekistan as candidates for the post of the President of Uzbekistan.
In view of the fact that this Resolution marks the beginning of the Presidential candidates’ election campaign on June 7, it approves the amount and time of free airtime on the national and regional television and radio channels of the National Television and Radio Company of Uzbekistan, as well as free print space in the newspapers “YangiO’zbekiston”, “Pravda Vostoka”, “Xalqso’zi”, “Narodnoeslovo” and 24 local newspapers.
During the pre-election campaign, the media create conditions for presidential candidates to appear in free airtime and free print space during the election campaign. News broadcasts and other informational materials should adhere to the principle of equal treatment when covering presidential candidates’ campaign events.