May 13, 2015
An essential factor of economic renovation. 2
OGU 2015 and Power Uzbekistan 2015 starts in Tashkent 4
senate of Oliy Majlis of republic of Uzbekistan.. 6
On the opening of the second plenary session of the Senate of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 6
An essential factor of economic renovation
Since the first days of independence, Uzbekistan set itself a strategic task: the building of a democratic legal state with a socially oriented market economy. The country has been proceeding along the path of intensification of comprehensive reforms that embrace all industries and sectors of the national economy, solidification of accord and harmony in social life, pursuance of peaceful foreign policy and further integration with the international community. For the time being, a lot of serious qualitative and quantitative accomplishments have been achieved in these directions. And it is not only the Republic’s citizens that are well informed of these spectacular successes, but many international institutions, analysts, observers and experts have also heard much about them.
One of the main factors that has greatly influenced the character, scale and rate of economic growth, including the successes mentioned above, is the scientific-technical progress, whose practical realization is visible in novel constructive and technological solutions, allowing indigenous producers to turn out goods with new important features. As well as that, the scientific-technical progress can be seen in modern methods of organization and management of production processes.
As a matter of fact, the scientific-technical progress is the onward movement of science and engineering, which leads to the unceasing perfection of means of production and output alike, technology and organization of production. With the development of productive forces, the interaction between science and engineering is getting more and more intense, with the machinery’s “susceptibility” to scientific discoveries and inventions growing unstoppably. Besides, technical challenges turn into a constant incentive that fuels a further expansion of scientific knowledge. The unity of scientific theoretical knowledge and production activity appears in the role of engine of the nation’s economic development. It is on the basis of these unity and interaction that the Uzbek economy is increasingly assuming an innovative and competitive nature.
It is worth mentioning here that the initial stage of scientific-technical progress dates back to the late Renaissance, notably to the 16th-17th centuries, when the needs of manufacturing , seafaring and commerce marked the dawn of the unity of scientific and technical inventive activities. The fundamental discoveries made in natural sciences had a dramatic impact on the process, having ultimately transformed the latter into a so called scientific-technical revolution. Dating from the second half of the 20th century, it continues up to the present time. Today’s scientific-technical progress is characterized by several qualitatively novel features. These are associated with a number of factors, including a run-away increase in production scales, root-and-branch changes in the way the means of production, articles of production and energy are manufactured, as well as radical changes in technology, organization and management of production processes. At the same time, the scientific-technical progress shows its worth not just in the perfection of a so-called main, leading working machine, as it was the case earlier, but in the creation of a whole system of controlled machines (micro-processors). Exploiting renewable sources of power and fundamentally novel technologies that ensure the continuity and efficiency of production is also a characteristic feature of the current stage of scientific-technical progress.
The scientific-technical progress is an uninterrupted process, which allows the economy to remain stable. In the enterprise’s performance, it shows itself through innovations that are regarded as a major pivotal of scientific-technical progress. Owing to innovations, the worker gradually frees himself from the implementation of his direct production functions. As a result of handing over the latter to artificial means of production, the very labour organization system assumes a new form, which emerges neither spontaneously nor as a consequence of gradual adjustment. Instead, its appearance is completely due to the introduction of know-how and innovations. The new form of the labour organization system contains a technical idea, based on the achievements that are made in fundamental sciences and realized in production. Very often, this new form calls for a radical overhaul of the entire labour distribution system.
Nowadays, the key directions of scientific-technical progress in the national economy are as follows: the creation of new production facilities and reconstruction of operational enterprises, the formation of modern infrastructure and modernization of capital production assets and non-production assets. These key directions are specified in the State Program “On priorities of industrial development in the Republic of Uzbekistan in the period 2011-2015”, as well as in similar programs worked out for the basic sectors and regions. It should be observed that the manufacturing industry is not only a creator of modern innovations, but also their user, which upgrades its own material-technical base and those of other industries and sectors as well.
As regards the innovations realized at enterprises, and especially big ones, most of them are associated with automation of production processes, a wider use of robots and micro-processing equipment, the creation of worker-free production processes, introduction of membrane, laser, plasma and other waste-free technologies. In essence, these directions of scientific-technical progress determine a technical and organizational level of production, thus creating a basis on which to turn out modern commodities and services of high quality. Thanks to innovations, enterprises not only enjoy a longer life cycle, but are in a position to keep abreast with the times and withstand an ever growing competition. In addition, they have their own, rather stable niche in a corresponding market.
At present, production is increasingly becoming more and more mobile and is frequently divided into smaller units, because technological modernization plans are much easier to implement at smaller enterprises. The science-intensity level of production tends to augment in line with modernization, with a share of processes associated with the non-mechanical proceeding of means of production in the chemical industry and biotechnology showing a healthy upward trend. In world practices, a lot of distant surgical operations are carried out online, not to mention the transportation of all types of managerial and scientific labour. In a word, the scientific-technical progress is now typical of all economic sectors and industries, including the state-run, private, big and small enterprises. Moreover, it becomes a determinant of society’s progressive movement, improvement of living and work conditions and guarantee of the economy’s continuous growth and modernization.
According to official statistic data, in the 9 months of 2014, the number of new product categories mastered by domestic manufacturers has increased from 200 to 525, compared with a similar period a year earlier. As well as that, the absolute production volume of industrial output and the nation’s GDP have gone up. The Uzbek government’s program of action, considered at the end of January, provides for the introduction of about 1.000 new categories of industrial produce, a 3 per cent rise (from 24 per cent to 27 per cent) in the share of manufacturing in the nation’s GDP, and a rapid growth of high-tech exports. For the period 2015-2019, a list of 870 big investment projects is presented, to set up as many as 415 new enterprises and to upgrade, both in terms of equipment and technology, 455 existing industrial facilities.
It is a well-known fact that the scientific-technical progress, innovation and know-how are in no way the aim in itself. Nor are they an attempt to follow the fashion. These three factors ensure not only the technical and economic independence, but also the efficient and zealous exploitation of available resources, in order to automate production processes and to gain an increase in labour productivity and import substitution, with the latter being a matter of principle to date. At this stage it is necessary to mention the State Program of Localization and Production of Finished Goods, Components and Materials, approved by the government of Uzbekistan for the indicated period. Encompassing 600 projects, the document stipulates the deep processing of local minerals, production of 1,225 groups of commodities, which are particularly sought after and the achievement of an annual import-substitution effect to the tune of US $3.5 billion. This not only reflects an innovative approach to meeting the nation’s economic needs and the correct solution of urgent problems associated with the indigenous manufacturing industry, but makes a tangible contribution to the Republic of Uzbekistan’s economic power.
As historical and economic experience shows, any projects and programs create new business value only when they deliver the expected practical benefits. There can be no doubt that all of them will be put into practice. And being a great help in their implementation are not only the enormous reserves of natural resources and raw materials available in the country, but also the powerful scientific-technical, engineering, production and intellectual potentialities and experience amassed in Uzbekistan over the years of independent development, with whose help whatever scientific and technical problems of economic modernization can be tackled efficiently and successfully.
(Source: «Business» newspaper)
New Market
The country’s flagship manufacturer of glass containers Asl Oyna is planning to launch two new furnaces by the end of 2019. The enterprise operates only one glass furnace. In the next two years it is planning to commission the second one with the capacity of 85 million conventional units per year. The project cost exceeds $14 million. A year later, it is planned to launch the third furnace, which will specialize in the production of cookware with a production capacity of 20 million conventional units of finished products per year. Today, the company exports its products to Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan.
Merging all domestic glass manufactures, Uzvinprom-holding has carried out the first pilot delivery of decorated glass bottles to Turkmenistan in the first quarter of 2015.
“As of the beginning of 2015, we have delivered five kinds of decorated glass bottles to the neighboring country. The batch comprised 62,000 bottles. They were decorated at the Beauty Glass Decor factory in Yukorichirchik District of Tashkent region. Last year, a batch of such goods was delivered to Tajikistan,” said Head of Uzvinprom-holding Modernization and Advanced Technologies Department Adolat Vostrikova.
The Beauty Glass Decor factory was founded in March 2012. It is equipped with up-to-date equipment and advanced technologies of German companies InterRainer Maschinenbau and Kamman, and Italian company Antonini.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
OGU 2015 and Power Uzbekistan 2015 starts in Tashkent
International Oil & Gas Uzbekistan – OGU 2015 and international energy exhibition Power Uzbekistan 2015 will kick off in Tashkent on 12 May 2015.
OGU 2015 is organized for the 19th time, while Power Uzbekistan 2015 marks its 10th anniversary this year.The organizers of the exhibitions are ITE Uzbekistan and its partner ITE Group of Companies.
OGU is part of a series of specialised conferences organised by ITE Group, which includes MIOGE (Moscow), KIOGE (Almaty, Kazakhstan), Caspian Oil & Gas (Baku, Azerbaijan), TUROGE (Ankara, Turkey), OGT (Ashgabat, Turkmenistan) and GIOGE (Tbilisi, Georgia), Myanmar Oil & Gas (Yangon, Myanmar), India Oil & Gas Summit (Mumbai, India), Global Oil&Gas Black Sea and Mediterranean (Athens, Greece) and others.
Today OGU is the only oil and gas exhibition in Uzbekistan whose business efficiency is approved by an audit from UFI, the Global Association of the Exhibitions Industry. According to the latest audit in 2013 the exhibition attracted nearly 6,000 visitors. 122 companies from 20 countries presented their products and services at the exhibition.
This year the international OGU 2015 exhibition and conference will bring together around 200 companies and brands from 20 countries – Austria, Belgium, the UK, Germany, Italy, Kazakhstan, China, the Netherlands, Poland, Slovenia, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, France, the Czech Republic, South Africa, South Korea and others.
The exhibition comprises of such sections as: Geological, geophysical and seismic equipment and services, Oil and gas production technologies and equipment, Offshore production technologies and equipment, Oil and gas drilling, Oil, oil products and gas transportation and storage, Oil and gas processing and petrochemicals, Construction of oil and gas industry facilities, Pipes and pipelines, Engineering, Instruments, Control and measuring equipment, Safety and fire prevention equipment, Environmental safety, Software and computer systems, Communications and telecommunications.
For many years, the OGU exhibition and conference has served as a platform for productive cooperation and discussion, where the largest projects in the oil and gas industry are initiated with support from the Uzbekistan Government. Every year, Uzbekneftegaz holds meetings and negotiations at their stand.
Around 70% of exhibitors are foreign countries presenting tools and equipment for drilling, oil and gas equipment, heat-resistant, modern technologies for CNG and more. As always, the national stand of Italy will present a wide exhibit.
European companies will also be present with their technologies and equipment: CGG (France), CLOCK SPRING COMPANY, L.P. (the UK), HEMPEL (the Czech Republic), RHI AG (Austria), KANEX KROHNE ANLAGEN EXPORT GMBH (Germany) and many other first time exhibitors and those who regularly come to Uzbekistan to take part in OGU exhibition.
For 6 years, the Italian national stand has exhibited, this year including the following companies: ITAL UZ, FORNOVO GAS SRL, TENOVA SPA, EUSEBI IMPIANTI SRL, SANCO SPA, BONO ENERGIA SPA, ARTES INGEGNERIA SPA, FINDER SPA, CIMCO EUROPE SRL, MBM SRL and Italian-Uzbek Chamber of Commerce.
The exhibition’s business programme includes OGU 2015 conference, which will be held on 13-14 May at International Hotel Tashkent.
Over 400 leading specialists and heads of major oil and gas companies will attend the conference. Given the significance of OGU events and their results on the global hydrocarbon production and processing market, a new name has been given to the event with a focus on its international status and audience – Global Oil & Gas Uzbekistan.
The changes will be seen on the main event website, with the content and design reflecting the new image of the exhibition and conference. The newly created website and the first OGU mobile app will be launched in the lead-up to the exhibition.
Power Uzbekistan
For the past 10 years, Power Uzbekistan has been bringing together a unique composition of exhibitors from across the world. The exhibition is a tool for introducing modern developments and technologies, strengthening international partnerships, and attracting investors to the industry.
Power Uzbekistan is now a brand, attracting attention from large companies and industry professionals throughout the world. According to exhibitors, the exhibition is a relevant and well-timed event for energy businesses in Uzbekistan and throughout Central Asia.
It is a platform for presenting Uzbekistan’s rich potential for developing and modernising the energy sector, where specialists can get the latest information on the state of the global energy industry, exchange experience, and acquire new contacts during meetings, discussions and the business programme.
The exhibition will feature 40 companies from Belgium, Germany, India, Kazakhstan, China, Russia, Turkey, Uzbekistan, France, Switzerland and others.
The focus of the exhibition will be on important topics such as Energy, Energy Conservation, and Alternative Energy Sources, where exhibitors will present everything needed for Uzbekistan’s energy industry.
About 23% of exhibitors are Uzbekistani businesses and representatives of international companies in Uzbekistan. Electric online, Electro Control, Energoresurs, United Actions Trading, and others will present their products and services including electro-technical equipment, electrical panels, electric welding and much more.
Russian energy companies will present products and services for designing and building energy facilities. These will include manufacturers of electric motors, high-voltage power equipment, microprocessors, protection and automation devices and metering systems: REM&COIL, Sverdlovelektro, Siloviye Mashiny, Ekra, Energomash, Energomera, Polimery and many more.
Energy equipment will be presented by Chinese companies such as Shandong Supermaly, Jiangsu Sfere Electric, Zhejiang Hengyuan, Tengen Group and others.
European companies have shown a great deal of interest in the region. ABB, the Swiss-Swedish company specialising in electrical engineering, power engineering and IT will exhibit for the first time, as well as FLIR Systems from Belgium.
A series of presentations will take place on Energy 2015: Innovations, Solutions and Prospects, in which ALSTON will give a presentation on ALSTOM: Thermal and Renewable Energy Sources. The Alternative Energy Club will present on the Development of Alternative Energy in Uzbekistan, whilst ABB will give a presentation on the Use of ABB Equipment at Electro-Power Stations.
(Source: )
senate of Oliy Majlis of republic of Uzbekistan
On the opening of the second plenary session of the Senate of the Republic of Uzbekistan
The second plenary session of the Senate of the Republic of Uzbekistan will open at 10 am on 15 May 2015 in the meetings hall of the Senate of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Tashkent.
Information for members of the Senate of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Registration of members of the Senate of the Republic of Uzbekistan will be held from 9.00 to 18.00 on May 14, 2015 in the lobby of the building of the Senate of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
(Source: Press-service of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekista )
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