May 5, 2015
May 3 – World Press Freedom Day.. 3
X National Oltin Qalam Award. 3
Catching the Wind in a Net
Renewable energy sources (RES) rank among the global economy’s fastest growing sectors. In the next five years, experts expect a 40 percent growth.
The increase in the share of alternative power generation in a total energy production has been caused not just by the desire to decrease the dependence on hydrocarbons, but by the long-term and strategic development trend of world energy. Uzbekistan has been actively involved in the development of its own products for the renewable energy system.
The policy of renewable energy has been pursued not only by the countries poor in natural resources, but also by Saudi Arabia, the USA, Great Britain, Norway and other oil and gas producing leaders. The reason is simple: the global power industry enters a new phase of its technological development, so if the chance is missed, one will likely never be able to catch up with competitors, because of the lack of the know-how and practice.
Therefore, Uzbekistan has been arranging many expert sites, attracting leading foreign experts and specialists for sharing experiences and adapting best practices on the Uzbek land. One of them – national conference on building wind energy capacity – wrapped up last week in Tashkent.
In his keynote speech at the conference, First Deputy Minister of Economy of Uzbekistan Batyr Khodjayev pointed out to the need for breakthrough technologies in this field.
“In Uzbekistan, the electricity consumption will double by 2030 against the current indexes and exceed 105 billion KWh. Therefore, the development of new highly efficient technologies and renewable energy sources is not just an option, but a necessity. Introduction of renewable energy turns into a crucial factor to not just balance the growing demand and consumption of energy, but also increase the innovation capacity as part of the country’s economic development,” he said.
An ‘Atlas of Winds’ is designed to become a kind of a pass into the renewable power energy future of the country. The interactive information and analytical system of the wind energy capacity of Uzbekistan was designed through computer simulation by German companies Geo-Net and Intec-Gopa. According to German experts, wind energy resources are estimated at over 520,000 MW of installed capacity and more than a billion megawatt-hours of electricity per year as the preliminary results of conservative assessment.
On the foot of the atlas, the Uzbekenergo company has identified two promising areas in Navoi region and in the south of Karakalpakstan for further detailed studies to clarify their wind capacity. This March, 85 meter meteorological masts were installed in each area to measure the wind speed and direction, as well as air density and temperature. The devices transmit information to an online server for further analysis through a satellite system. It will help to determine the most optimal unit capacity of wind turbines and calculate the capacity of electricity generation in the preparation of an investment project.
At the conference, the expert community dispelled the myth of the high cost of electricity generated by renewable energy sources. Today, under favorable conditions, the relative capital investment in one MW of installed capacity of wind power plants exceeds $1 million, which is almost equal to the similar cost of up-to-date combined-cycle plants. The production cost of electricity using alternative sources averages 5.5 cents per 1kWh.
European experts have been actively supporting Uzbekistan in the development of alternative energy. The Sustainable Energy Program for Central Asia (CASEP), financed by the European Union, has launched the development of technical documentation under the program of electricity supply to 400 hardly accessible rural health units on the basis of alternative sources.
“We have embarked on the development of technical documentation. In the second stage we will seek funding for the pilot projects, and furthermore – loans for implementation of the program. It is expected that the technical part will be completed this October-November, and five or six pilot projects are scheduled for next year,” said program’s key expert on renewable energy Paata Janelidze.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
May 3 – World Press Freedom Day
X National Oltin Qalam Award
X National Oltin Qalam Award Awarding ceremony of the winners and prize winners of the X National Oltin Qalam (Golden Pen) award was held.
Much attention paid under the leadership of President Islam Karimov to the development of media, inspires media men to reach new creative frontiers.
Turkistan Palace hosted a solemn ceremony of the winners and laureates of the VIII National Oltin Qalam award in journalism on May 1.
The event, which coincided with May 3 – the World Press Freedom Day, was attended by senators, deputies, representatives of various ministries and agencies, creative and public organizations, media men, teachers and students of journalism faculties of higher educational institutions.
Chairman of the Creative Union of Journalists of Uzbekistan I.Halimbekov and others noted that under the leadership of President Islam Karimov, priority is given to continuous improvement of national journalism as an important factor in the deepening of democratic reforms, further strengthening participation in public and political life of our country, the full realization of the constitutional rights of citizens in the information sphere.
Held by the Creative Union of journalists of Uzbekistan, Public Fund for support and development of independent print media and news agencies, the National Association of electronic mass media, traditional competitions and creative projects contribute to improve the professional skills of journalists, strengthening the material-technical base revision, further improving the preparation of media materials.
This traditional competition, held by the Creative Union of Journalists of Uzbekistan and the International Training Centre for Journalists in conjunction with the National Association of Electronic Mass Media, Public Fund for Support and Development of Independent Print Media and News Agencies of Uzbekistan, the National Television and Radio Company, the Ministry of Culture and Sports of Uzbekistan, the Council Federation of Trade Unions and the UzReport news agency, is an important factor in stimulating dedicated journalists, devoted to their country and profession.
The main objective of the contest is to popularize the achievements of national and international journalism. Over the years the competition was attended by about 4 thousand journalists with more than 51 thousand creative works. In previous competitions, 207 journalists became the prize winners of the National Oltin Qalam award, about 60 journalists received awards, established by the offices of international organizations in Uzbekistan.
676 journalists presenting about 15 thousand materials participated in the X National Oltin Qalam award.
Organization and conduct of the contest, as well as the costs, associated with rewarding the winners have been funded by the Public Fund for Support of NGOs and other civil society institutions at the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Grand Prix of the X National Oltin Qalam award was awarded Uzreport TV television channel. The television channel team was awarded with a special diploma, a badge of Oltin Qalam, a statuette and a cash prize in the amount of 200 minimum wage.
The winners and prize winners of the creative competition in the areas of television, radio, print and Internet journalism were also presented with certificates, Oltin Qalam badges, statuette and cash prize.
The representative offices of international organizations in our country such as the United Nations, UNESCO, the OSCE, the World Bank, “Regional Dialogue” (Slovenia) have presented their awards in relevant categories.
Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan E.Basithanova spoke in the event.
The event finished with a concert of famous and young singers.
(Source: UzA)
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