Address by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev at the Voice of Global South Summit

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January 13, 2023

Address by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev at the Voice of Global South Summit

Distinguished Your Excellency

Mr. Narendra Modi!

Dear state and government leaders!

I am very pleased to warmly welcome all the participants of the Voice of Global South Summit.

I join the words of gratitude expressed to the Prime Minister of India, Mr. Modi, for the initiative of holding today’s dialogue on the topic of “Human-Centric Development”.

This Forum is a clear demonstration of India’s commitment to the universal idea of ONE WORLD, ONE FAMILY.

I am confident that this event will make a significant contribution to the success of India’s presidency of the G20, the international influence, economic, technological and intellectual potential of which is growing.

Dear Summit participants!

Today, the world community is facing the exacerbation of various contradictions and conflicts and the negative consequences of the economic crisis.

We are witnessing a decline of open dialogue and mutual trust in international relations.

The coronavirus pandemic, the food and energy security issues, environmental problems have a negative impact on global development prospects.

In such a challenging environment, many new obstacles arise, especially to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals of our countries.

The main principle of the United Nations, “LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND”, is becoming ever more relevant.

At this point, I would like to emphasize the active role of India in strengthening mutually beneficial and productive relations with the developing countries.

In recent years, relations of strategic partnership and practical cooperation between Uzbekistan and India have risen to a completely new level and serve the common interests of our peoples.

In recent years, strategic partnership and practical cooperation relations between Uzbekistan and India have risen to a completely new level and serve the common interests of our peoples.

Distinguished state and government Leaders!

Today, the large-scale reforms are being implemented in the New Uzbekistan.

The provision of human dignity and interests is defined as a paramount goal and objective of our policy.

The essence of our Development Strategy is establishing  the rule of law and developing human capital, building a just and strong civil society.

We have set a big plan  for the near future to achieve an inclusive and sustainable economic growth, and to halve the poverty in the country.

To achieve these objectives, in Uzbekistan the year of 2023 has been declared as the «Year of Care for Human and Quality Education».

All conditions are being created in our country to expand the opportunities for modern education and professions.

A special focus is stressed to the effective social protection of the people in need, providing them with qualified and high-quality medical services.

We are always open to close cooperation with international partners in order to continue our irreversible reforms.

Distinguished Summit participants!

Uzbekistan highly appreciates and supports the India’s G20 Presidency, its priority goals and noble aspirations.

I would like to make the following practical proposals on the issues included in the agenda of our meeting.

The existing International trade system must be improved. It is the time demand.

In this process, the «Voice of Global South»must be taken into account – the necessary conditions must be created to untap the potential of the developing countries.

Unfortunately, our countries still face various difficulties and restrictions in entering the major markets.

Considering our countries’ industrial and agricultural potential, as well as their large domestic markets, it is important to develop common approaches on creating a fair competitive environment at the global level.

Along with this, we believe that the agenda of the World Summit should include issues of ensuring the energy and food security of the developing countries, creating global logistics and value chains, assistance in attracting investment and modern technologies.

Another strategic issue.We fully support the development of the “NORTH-SOUTH” international corridor, which is one of the main TRANSPORT ARTERIES in the Eurasian region.

We are actively promoting a project of the construction of a railway through Afghanistan to the Indian Ocean aimed at strengthening the connectivity of Central and South Asia.

We invite our partners to participate in the implementation of this very important project.

The analysis shows that the huge technological gap between the developed and developing countries is growing during the transition to the “Green Economy”.

We consider it is high time to create a “green technology and innovation database” for the Global South with the support of the world’s leading countries.

The next urgent issue is the development of human capital and the improvement of the quality of professional education. We are interested in intensifying our cooperation with India in education.

Dear colleagues!

In the context of “Human-Centric Development”, the issue of educating the young generation must occupy the main place.

We must widely involve our talented youth in the development of national and international programs in climate change, rational use of water resources, alternative energy, digitalization and other priority areas.

In this regard, I would like to suggest the establishment of a platform for dialogue of our countries “Voice of the Youth”.

Dear colleagues!

The negative consequences of the various escalating clashes in the world today are felt primarily in the developing countries.

I am confident that during the G20 chairmanship of India, which was described by my dear brother Narendra Modi as “the land of Buddha and Mahatma Gandhi”, the new proposals and ideas for peace and security on a global scale will be presented to the world community.

I am convinced that you will support the proposal of forming an international dialogue group to address the problem of Afghanistan, which Uzbekistan is also promoting in this direction.

Dear friends!

We always support India’s active efforts to protect the interests of developing countries at the international level.

Undoubtedly, all proposals and initiatives expressed today will serve people’s interests and the goals of sustainable development.

Taking this opportunity, I would like to sincerely congratulate the brotherly people of India on the country’s upcoming National holiday –the Republic Day.

Thank you for your attention.