Samarkand celebrates a City Day

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October 19, 2022

Samarkand celebrates a City Day

On the occasion of Samarkand City Day (October 18), representatives of the regional and city hokimiyats, the general public led by the Hokim of the region E. Turdimov, visited the Mausoleum of Amir Temur. A surah from the Quran was recited. They laid flowers at the monument to Amir Temur.

Guests from foreign sister cities of Samarkand and historical cities, including from Bursa (Türkiye), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Bobruisk (Belarus), Nara (Japan), Turkestan (Kazakhstan), Panjikent (Tajikistan) are taking part in the festive events.

In connection with the Summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, large-scale construction and landscaping work has been done in the city. The Great Silk Road International Tourist Center was put into operation, capable of serving two million tourists a year. More than twenty new hotels have been opened. Landscaping activities were carried out on the central streets of Samarkand. Residential buildings and other objects along these streets were rebuilt in a combination of national and modern architectural elements.

A modern original terminal of the Samarkand International Airport, new overpasses and bridges, roads and other infrastructure facilities were built.

“Holding for the first time such a large-scale international event in Samarkand, which has an important place in the history of our national statehood, at a high level causes a sense of pride among our residents”, says the Hokim of Samarkand F. Umarov. – The whole world recognizes that the summit was held at a high level, very successfully. After this event, the city also hosted international forums and conferences, sports competitions. At the same time, we are preparing for even more authoritative events and visits of delegations. All this increases the interest of local and foreign tourists in Samarkand.

Celebrations have already begun in the city. Concert programs are presented. Competitions and sports competitions dedicated to City Day are organized in educational institutions. The sale of agricultural products and foodstuffs at affordable prices is arranged at the Marmar Market.

“We brought 30 tons of potatoes, 10 tons of onions, 5 tons of carrots, cabbage, turnips, and melons to the fair”, says Umida Bulakova, head of Dilafruz Farm in Pastdargam district. – We sell our products at affordable prices, as a gift for the festive table of residents and guests of the city.

Exhibitions of flowers and birds are organized on Alisher Navoi Street, and various festivals, cultural programs, and concerts are organized on University Avenue. Products manufactured in Samarkand are demonstrated at the industrial fair “Made in Uzbekistan”.

“I am so glad that my trip to Samarkand fell on holidays”, says a Japanese tourist Hana Kawashima. – The city is beautiful. People are in high spirits. I liked the fair at the market. Bought several types of honey.

On the occasion of the holiday, new hotels, an IT Park, and new production facilities were put into operation in Samarkand. Following the event, a large concert took place.