At the present stage of large-scale reforms conducted under the leadership of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, activities on the study and rehabilitation of the social and spiritual climate in the family, makhallas, educational institutions and labor collectives were identified among priority areas. Makhalla takes an active part in strengthening families and socio-spiritual processes.
Organizational and legal conditions have been created for this purpose. For instance, the position of a specialist for working with women and strengthening spiritual and moral values in families was introduced in all citizens’ assemblies of makhallas.
Family Business Support Centers were established and are operating throughout the country to organize the execution and coordination of measures for the widespread involvement of the population in entrepreneurship, with participation of the Makhalla Public Charity Foundation.
Last year, an inventory of vacant buildings in makhallas was successfully carried out; proposals were developed for their targeted use by families residing in the territory of makhallas for development of family and private entrepreneurship.
Creation of profitable mini-clusters, consolidation of entrepreneurs with business skills who achieved positive results in this industry for families who have begun to engage in new entrepreneurial activities in makhallas, taking into account the specialization of rural areas and makhallas (handicraft, clothing manufacturing, the cultivation of certain types of agricultural products, the organization of compact greenhouses and others) is a distinctive feature of the contemporary lifestyle in Uzbekistan.
Strengthening families and engagement of makhallas in this process are among the priorities of the adopted large-scale government programs. For instance, in accordance with the state program “Obod makhala” (Prosperous neighborhood), construction, reconstruction and overhaul of kindergartens are being carried out, private kindergartens are being built, and buildings of family polyclinics are being commissioned.
And as a result, comfortable apartment buildings, with family policlinics and non-state preschool institutions are renovated in makhallas.
New multi-storey buildings are built on the territory of makhallas. Those bring joy to families of military officers and nurture citizens’ assemblies created on the territory of military camps.
The Government adopted and implementing the Regulation on financing the construction and reconstruction as well as sale of apartments in a multi-storey building for young families, residents of dilapidated houses and other categories of citizens in need of better housing conditions.
The country is now actively and successfully practicing conduct of visits to homes, studying the aspirations and requests of each family, helping to solve problems, attracting entrepreneurs and creating additional jobs, employing the population, especially young people and women.
The chairmen of makhallas, together with the leaders of the people’s reception offices, visit homes in order to provide the necessary targeted, specific assistance. Funds from the reserve fund of local budgets are allocated for the delivery of on demand seeds of vegetables , fruit trees and grape cuttings to low-income, socially vulnerable families.
Responsible employees of the state governing bodies and civil society institutions provide persons with disabilities, elderly people and those unable to work withseeds and saplings, and practical assistance in agrotechnical measures.
Civil society institutions are now forming lists of gifted children from low-income families, attracting them to hobby groups at general education schools, sports competitions and Olimpiads.
The Regulations on the procedure for the appointment and payment of one-time financial assistance to needy families in the Aral Sea area, environmental disaster – in the Republic of Karakalpakstan and the Khorezm region are adopted and implemented. At the same time, families in need that received one-time financial assistance may re-apply a year following the payment of one-time financial assistance.
The family is a social unit that teaches the respect for the law. Special attention is paid to raising legal awareness in the community. It is organized on a systematic basis, in accordance with “personality – family – makhalla – educational institution – organization – society” principle.
The Republican Council for Spirituality and Enlightenment participates in activities to study and improve the social and spiritual climate in the family and makhallas. It also coordinates the activity.
The Concept of continuous spiritual education, adopted by the initiative of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev includes mechanisms for establishing effective cooperation between the family, educational institutions, the makhalla, the mass media and other public structures in formation of spiritual education.
Families with high probability of committing crimes are studied in participation of civil society institutions, Discussions are held with the assistance of representatives of law enforcement agencies to provide them with a stable moral and spiritual situation in the makhallas.
Prevention inspectors submit relevant documents for discussion to the reconciliation commissions operating in makhallas. As a result, most of them eliminate family conflicts.
Effective interaction of civil society institutions with the Women’s Committee of Uzbekistan, the Oila (Family) Center, women’s non-governmental non-profit organizations is provided; a new system of their joint participation in improving the social and spiritual environment in families and makhallas is being formed.
Talented, active and enterprising women, as well as laureates of “Zulfiya” State Prize are actively involved in explanatory work on strengthening the social and spiritual environment in families and makhallas.
Makhalla Charitable Public Foundation is among the initiators of creation of the Republican Center for Rehabilitation and Adaptation of Victims of Violence and Prevention of Suicides.
Makhalla is involved in prevention of early marriages and negative cases as a result of family conflicts. It also takes concrete measures against persons entering into a “Sharia” marriage without an official divorce and imams allowing such marriages.
Civil society institutions pay special attention to preparing young people for family life in educational institutions, increasing the responsibility and effectiveness of the work of psychologists located in the territory of makhallas of educational institutions, and enhancing work with children from dysfunctional families.
Based on their life experience, chairman of the makhallas provide recommendations for holding economical weddings, family events and ceremonies .
The activities of the “Parent universities” are increasing in makhallas, the system of cooperation between the school, makhallas and families is being strengthened.
Implementation of the “Information khashar” (khashar tr. – voluntary public mutual assistance) project aimed at strengthening the ideological immunity of the population, especially young people with ideological immunity from inaccurate information on the Internet, holding “Family – the sacred hearth” events in makhallas for unorganized youth has started.
The head of state approved the proposal of the Makhalla Public Charitable Foundation on the annual broad celebration of the International Day of Families established by the General Assembly of the United Nations throughout the country. On this day, cultural and educational events, scientific conferences, meetings with representatives of exemplary families, competitions and sports contests between families in educational institutions, makhallas, organizations and enterprises are held throughout the country.
Uzbek families are formed on the basis of traditions, while makhallas approach the mission of strengthening families with great responsibility. Makhalla today is becoming even closer to the social structure of the people, helping to ensure family cohesion, raising a healthy and harmoniously developed generation, solving the problems of the population.