There are 343 preschool education institutions in Bukhara region, 7 of which are private. More than 46 thousand boys and girls are being educated there, that is 35,1% of all children of the region.
Kindergarten No.54 is designed for 280 children. Last year, its building was thoroughly renovated and equipped in accordance with modern requirements. 31 teachers and educators are working here.
The head of the state got acquainted with conditions created for children, talked with employees of the kindergarten.
Information was provided on the pilot center for short-term primary development of children. Here, children in short-term groups are taught logic, mental arithmetic, English, applied and visual arts using interactive methods. The center will facilitate preparation of children for school, not covered by kindergartens.
– It is not by chance that we are paying special attention to preschool education, – said Shavkat Mirziyoyev. – Children in kindergarten age quickly and easily master knowledge, remember them forever. Therefore, issues related to the development of this system should always be at the center of our attention.
The President gave instructions on turning this kindergarten into a regional center for the exchange of methodological experience, providing the sphere with qualified specialists, including by recruiting college graduates for retraining courses and employing them in preschool education institutions.