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December 23, 2014


uzbek_digestDecember 23, 2014

elections to the oliy majlis of the republic of uzbekistan and local Kengashes of people’s deputies. 2

CEC head: 113 deputies elected according to preliminary results of the elections. 2

SCO Observer Mission: elections in Uzbekistan were clear, transparent and democratic. 3

CIS observers recognize elections in Uzbekistan as free and open. 3


A Place in the Sun. 4





elections to the oliy majlis of the republic of uzbekistan and local Kengashes of people’s deputies

CEC head: 113 deputies elected according to preliminary results of the elections

On December 22 at 15:00 pm Tashkent time the Republican press center for coverage of the elections held a briefing for local and foreign media.

Chairman of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan M. Abdusalomov speaking at a press briefing said that the elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, regional, district and city councils of people’s deputies attended by more than 18.4 million voters, representing 89% of the total number of voters included in the lists.

8311 voters exercised their right to early voting.

According to the preliminary results of the elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis deputies were elected by 113 election areas.

From the Movement of Entrepreneurs and Businessmen – Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan elected 47 deputies, the Democratic Party of Uzbekistan “Milly Tiklanish” – 28, the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan – 21, the Social Democratic Party “Adolat” – 17 deputies.

In 22 districts, none of the candidates receives half of the votes. In accordance with the legislation in these areas in the period of specified by law, will be held a repeated vote on the two candidates who received the most votes.

In the course of the Conference of the Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan, which was also held yesterday, through secret ballot were elected 15 members of the Legislative Chamber of the Parliament of the Ecological Movement.

Information from the field about any serious violations of the electoral legislation didn’t come. However, the CEC helpline received appeals, suggestions and comments on some issues. All of them were accepted and solved in the manner prescribed by law and terms.

Elections to the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan held in compliance with all democratic norms and principles fixed in the Constitution and the electoral law.

Transparency, openness of the electoral process has contributed to the work of local and foreign observers. Monitoring of elections to the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan was carried out by more than 300 observers from 50 countries and five international organizations – OSCE ODIHR, CIS, SCO, VAIO and the OIC, as well as more than 70,000 observers and authorized representatives of political parties that nominated candidates to deputies. In addition, the election was covered by more than 340 representatives of local and foreign media.

Currently, the CEC is considering protocols and other documents provided by the district election commissions and the Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan.

In accordance with the Law “On elections to the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan” all materials of separate precinct election commissions if necessary, once again will be carefully checked by the CEC. Only after that, the Central Election Commission will decide on the election results.

In accordance with national electoral legislation about the results of the elections and the list of the elected deputies of the Legislative Chamber will be published by the Central Election Commission in the press no later than 10 days after the election, that is, until December 31 this year.

Elections to the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis and local representative bodies of state power, held on December 21 demonstrated solidarity of the people of Uzbekistan on the path of building a democratic state of law and a strong civil society, with the deepening


SCO Observer Mission: elections in Uzbekistan were clear, transparent and democratic

At the invitation of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in the period from December 19 to 22, 2014, Mission of Observer from the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (hereinafter the Mission) monitored the preparation and conduct of December 21, 2014 elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis (Parliament) of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The Mission carried out its activities in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On elections to the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, as well as the Regulations on SCO Observer Mission.

All activities under the campaign conducted openly and publicly, in strict accordance with the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Equal and broad opportunities to use the media were created for the Political parties and candidates. Parties had the opportunity to hold their own meetings with voters.

Observers from SCO gave interviews to the media, as well as participated in briefings by the CEC for international observers and the media during the preparation and conduct of the election campaign.

The Mission got acquainted with the activity of district election commissions located in the city of Tashkent and Tashkent region for the purpose of objective assessment of the voting process and summarizing of the electoral process.

On Election Day, The Mission was present at 73 polling stations located in the city of Tashkent, as well as towns and cities of Tashkent region, open for voting from 06:00 till 20:00 hours on local time on December 21 2014.

It should be noted that the work of the polling stations organized in accordance with the requirements of the election legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. During the voting there was an active participation of the citizenry.

Complaints and comments from representatives of the above observers during the electoral process haven’t come in to the Mission.

The Mission notes that the election of deputies to the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan held in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan and international obligations accepted by Uzbekistan.

According to the Mission, the elections were clear, transparent and democratic. Violations that cast doubt on the election results not revealed.

SCO Observer Mission expresses gratitude to the Central Election Commission, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other government agencies of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as public organizations for the cooperation extended during the implementation of election observation.


CIS observers recognize elections in Uzbekistan as free and open

A mission of the observers from the CIS recognized 21 December elections to the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan as free and open.

“The CIS observation mission consisting of 76 people at the invitation of the Central Election Commission of Uzbekistan monitored the preparation and holding the election to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan on 21 December,” the head of the mission Sergey Lebedev said.

The mission included the representatives of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and the CIS Executive Committee.

Lebedev said that the CIS observers visited all regions, monitored 70 percent of the district election commissions and 707 polling stations.

The mission believes that elections were held in line with the Constitution of Uzbekistan and legislation of the country, as well as general democratic norms, Lebedev added.



A Place in the Sun

European countries have been enthusiastic over recent years in pursuing a strategy of diversification of the energy they produce. The global trend is currently being internalized by Uzbekistan. In the coming years, it is projected to build a range of solar power plants, as well as implement an ambitious program to equip social facilities with solar collectors.

A few days ago the Italian company MyEnergy Spa won an international tender for drafting the photovoltaic plant with the capacity of 2 MW in Kandym group of fields in the Bukhara region. The company is working on a feasibility study for a plant of the Russian oil company Lukoil.

Besides, the construction of the Central Asia’s largest solar power station with the capacity of 100 MW is underway in Pastdargom district of Samarkand region. The project is partnered by the Asian Development Bank. As part of the initiative, Uzbekistan and the ADB established the International Institute of Solar Energy in Tashkent in 2013, which in the future is expected to be a platform of new joint projects aimed at expansion of renewable energy sources both in Uzbekistan, and in other countries of the Asian continent.

It is important that all projecting and already constructing stations will be able to upgrade their equipment at the expense of local production. Uzbekistan possesses necessary reserves of raw materials for the production of photovoltaic modules and other equipment for the solar industry. In 2013, together with the South Korean company Neoplanta, Uzbekistan commissioned a silicon plant with the capacity of 12 thousand tons a year. Another South Korean company Shindong Enerkom has invested in the construction of other similar plant with an annual capacity of 6 thousand tons.

In the future, such products might be a feedstock for the production of highly efficient photovoltaic solar panels. 2014 has marked the launch of the manufacture of photovoltaic panels with initial capacity of 50 MW in the Navoi Free Industrial Economic Zone with the involvement of the largest Chinese companies. A solar thermal collector plant with the annual capacity of 50 thousand units has opened in Jizzakh Special Industrial Zone.

When it comes to the capacity and prospects of development of solar energy in Uzbekistan, it is appropriate to underline that geographical location and climatic conditions of Uzbekistan are exclusively favorable for that. The country is superior to many regions of the world by the number of sunny days a year, which is more than 320 days. According to estimates of the Asian and World Banks, the gross rate of solar energy in Uzbekistan exceeds 51 billion tons of oil equivalent. These resources, according to expert estimates, allow producing the energy which 40 times exceeds the amount of power consumed last year.

(Source: “Uzbekistan Today” newspaper)

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