“Investment portal of Uzbekistan”

Citizens of 76 countries will be able to get an electronic visa to Uzbekistan (List)

Uzbekistan announces visa waiver for citizens of 45 countries (List)

Important Visa Information for Indian Citizens Travelling to Uzbekistan

December 27, 2016



Raising the quality of goods sold in the market is one of the major tasks. The solution of this task is promoted by the newly created internet site “Online rating of Uzbekistan brands” (http://brm-rating.com).

“The initial idea was to set up a kind of universal information source to help the population of the country to find information about new brands, share comments about a new commodity or service provided by other people, create an opportunity to express one’s opinion and serve as a virtual platform for advertisers,” says author of the project, master of economic sciences Sanjar Muminov.

The objectives and tasks of the project however kept expanding in the process of its realization. The market today needs new mechanisms for improvement of the product quality. “The root of the problem largely rests on the unpreparedness of the brands to operatively react to consumers’ complaints, hence we have decided to set up a system, which would provide an opportunity to directly see the consumers’ views, since, in this case, they would be able to see for themselves in which direction to develop and improve the quality of their output,” Sanjar Muminov stated.

“My research work indicates,” he continued, “that the collapse and bankruptcy of numerous brands takes place because their owners fail to keep abreast with their end users through direct interaction. They do not trace down and analyze the emergence of new competitors, do not pay attention to their customers’ dissatisfaction at the early stage of claims, and do not take timely steps to improve their business set up. It is only after the decline in profits and outflow of customers as a result of “brand dismissal” and loss of competitiveness that they try to frantically and radically change something – but then it is too late.”

The “online rating of Uzbekistan brands” is an opportunity for the owners to get objective information on the situation in the market frontline – at the point of a brand contact with a customer. The brand position in the rating and the customers’ comments will show a real picture and will serve the basis for undertaking administrative and such other solutions for the improvement of the company’s stance in the market and get a feedback on the quality of its goods.

“One negative comment may alienate ten times more customers, so everyone will try to avoid lapses and immediately react to them,” discloses his cards the author of the project. “The website solves one of the unique challenges – it establishes a direct interactive communication of the company founders with the professionals responsible for quality management of customer relations, since the rating is based on the mass popular vote.”

“The site’s main idea is to help the brands to improve themselves,” Sanjar Muminov has drawn our attention to the key point. “We all love and listen to musical hit-parades. Our project is also a kind of hit-parade for business structures and an opportunity for newcomers to announce their potential directly to the entire country.”

The author believes that the project has been implemented by 70% and he said that “now we are testing new brand interactive and communication methods. In the future we plan to create a mobile application, and private offices for brands, so that they can see statistical data for the previous assessment period.”