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November 25, 2016



State Budget of Uzbekistan for 2017 Approved. 1

transport.. 2

Second Dreamliner lands in Tashkent 2


A Palette of Cinema Art of Uzbekistan. 3









State Budget of Uzbekistan for 2017 Approved

Members of the Legislative Chamber (lower house) of Uzbekistan’s Oliy Majlis (Supreme Assembly) approved the national budget and those of state trust funds, along with the main guidelines of the tax and budget policies for 2017.

The acting President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Prime Minister of the country Shavkat Mirziyoyev took part and delivered a keynote speech at the lower house session.

The first deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of the Republic Rustam Azimov made a report on the draft state budget of Uzbekistan and the budgets of state trust funds, as well as on the main guidelines of the tax and budget policies for 2017.

It was noted at the meeting that this major financial document envisages the enhancement of economic reforms on account of reduction of the government’s participation in the economy, significant consolidation of the private property’s role and reliable protection of entrepreneurship. It is aimed at further securing the growth of the population incomes and living standards.

The main guidelines of the tax and budget policies provide for further reduction in the tax burden, simplification of taxation and improvement of the tax administration, raising the salary levels of public organizations, pensions, allowances and scholarships.

After the provision of detailed information on all the issues of interest for parliamentarians, the draft of the state budget for 2017 was discussed by representatives of all political party groups and the deputy group from the Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan. The legislators noted the importance of timely and comprehensive financing of development programs of the most critical sectors of the economy, education, healthcare, science, culture, and other spheres of public life.

“Members of our faction have focused their attention on the fact that the draft budget plan 2017 envisages further reduction of the tax burden, simplification of taxation and improvement of tax administration,” member of the UzLiDeP parliamentary group E.Kholbutayev noted. “Specifically, it is planned to reduce the tax burden on the country’s economy from this year’s 20.2% down to 18.9% of the gross domestic product. What is important is that for the purposes of further advancement of priority branches of economy in 2017 it has been proposed to prolong certain privileges and benefits, the terms of validity of which expire next year. This will enable to leave about 500 billion soums (currency rates of CB RU from 01.11.2016, 1$= 3120.51 soums) at the disposal of entrepreneurs for modernization and technological re-equipment of production.”

“The budget message for 2017 has been elaborated on the basis of new approaches and deep analysis,” underlined D.Jalilova, member of the Milliy Tiklanish DPU. “The volume of expenses for the maintenance of cultural establishments and carrying out sporting events has been envisaged with a 16.7% growth YOY in the draft budget for the year 2017. It has been proposed to allocate resources to the amount of 25.8 billion soums, which will be channeled to funding the programs designed for restoration and conservation activities at the sites of cultural and archeological heritage of the country.”

“The issue of annual increase in the share of resources on account of the State Budget assigned for the needs of the social sphere are at the center of our attention,” said member of the faction of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, Sh.Tursunboyev. “Raising the salary levels of the budget organizations’ employees, pensions, allowances and student scholarships in the amounts outstripping the inflation rate contributes to the growth in the population’s living standards and consumer consumption. At the same time, members of the faction have highlighted the proposal on revising the teaching load at professional colleges and lyceums. It’s worth noting that expenses on supporting the low-income families and payment of social allowances to families with children in 2017 will reach the amount exceeding 2,6 trillion soums.”

“The country’s economy should lean on the most advanced achievements of science and technology, effective management of economic processes and the system of public education. 13% financial increase in the upcoming year will enable to carry out measures on the further development of science and carrying out research and experimental-construction works within the framework of the government-supported scientific-technical programs,” A.Shodmonov, member of the parliamentary group of Adolat Social Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, insisted.

“We have paid major attention to the importance of continuation of efforts directed at uninterrupted provision of the population with drinking water, ecologically pure food products, reclamation of irrigated lands, rational management of water resources and gardening of settlements,” stated the head of the deputy group from the Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan B.Alikhonov. “In the course of discussion, our group voiced some proposals on the expediency of rational and efficient utilization of resources allocated from the State Budget for the protection of the environment and solution of environmental problems, as well as the consolidation of parliamentary control over their targeted use.”

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)


 Second Dreamliner lands in Tashkent

The second Boeing-787 Dreamliner of the Uzbekiston havo yollari national air company (Uzbekistan airways) landed at the Tashkent International Airport on 5 November 2016.

At the solemn ceremony, held in this regard, General director of the air company V.Tyan and others noted that thanks to the favorable conditions under the leadership of the First President of our country Islam Karimov for accelerated development of civil aviation, the fleet of the national air carrier has been increased, provision of high-quality services at the level of international standards and ensuring flight security have been improved.

Uzbekistan airways has cooperated with Boeing, a famous US corporation, since 1996 and has purchased about 20 Boeing aircraft until now.

The first Boeing-787-8 Dreamliner was received by Uzbekistan airways on the eve of 25th anniversary of the independence of our country.

This aircraft is composed of unique composite materials, which allowed to reduce its weight and improve flight characteristics. The aircraft has many other advantages in terms of security, economy and environmental impact. It is capable of carrying out long-range flights without stop-overs. As experts underline, the Dreamliner can handle 16-hour non-stop flight, which means directs flights from Uzbekistan to the US, Canada, Australia and African countries.

Deputy Director-General of Uzbekistan Gennadiy Kharlap, Deputy Directors of Aviation Enterprise Uzbekistan Airways Technics Andrey Margachev and Valeriy Kosov received the plane at the Boeing facility. Pilots Andrey Tyan, co-pilo Yuriy Gorkov and chief navigator of the airline Stanislav Gurfinkel carried out 12-hour flight to bring the airplane from Seattle to Uzbekistan.

During the visit of President of Boeing Commercial Airplanes Raymond Conner to our country in September this year an agreement was reached on the purchase of three new aircraft, which will be 787-9 stretched with more passenger seats.

Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan B.Zokirov took part at the ceremony.

(Source: UzA)


A Palette of Cinema Art of Uzbekistan

The exposition of the museum of cinema art, with nearly 40,000 pieces, begins with a portrait of cameraman Hudoybergan Devanov, a founder of Uzbek cinema. At the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, taking interest in a new kind of art, he bought one of the first cameras of Pathe for his own savings, and began showing architectural landmarks of Khiva on the screen to his amazed countrymen. It all began with documentaries, to proceed with silent films, live-action, Uzbekfilm studio, animation… The exposition is crowned by a rolled image film, symbolizing that the cinematic art of Uzbekistan still has the best times ahead…

Cinema ranks among the most talked-about topics this year. There is a targeted program on its development. One of the country’s oldest film studios Uzbekfilm has embarked on modernization. Reconstruction and repair of buildings is currently underway, and cutting edge equipment will be purchased by the completion of the works. Movies will be produced at the latest equipment that meets all the achievements of world cinematography, as well as the powerful computer graphics in modern formats. The cartoon studio will start a new life with the most advanced technologies.

A draft law on cinematography, which, in fact, outlines the prospects of development of the national cinema, has been submitted for discussion.

The new legislative initiative proposes the introduction of a whole range of innovations. In order to raise the artistic level and demonstrate national and universal values in domestic movies, the document proposes to establish an advisory council of leading specialists at Uzbekkino. It will be engaged in assessment of the movies that were produced by private studios and imported from abroad, with the subsequent permission for broadcasting them in the country. The advisory council will also classify audiovisual works by groups, except for scientific, sports and educational audiovisual works.

The establishment of Cinematography Extrabudgetary Fund under Uzbekkino is an important aspect of the bill. It will accumulate the funds raised from the release, deductibles from incomes of Uzbekkino structural units and other sources, provided by legislation.

It is worth to mention another mechanism – a Unified Automated Information System on Screening Audiovisual Works, which is destined to be the main source of replenishment of the fund.

The bill provides that the cinema is obliged to report about each session and tickets sold to the Unified Automated Information System on Screening Audiovisual Works. The information should fully comply with the information contained in the ticket, the form of which will be approved as an accountable form, which was used to report on cinema screenings.

The system is designed to ensure the protection of exclusive rights for movies, consumer rights and provision of the authorized body with reliable and prompt information on the state of the internal market of screening audiovisual works. Financial security of software package of the Unified Automated Information System will be provided by Cinematography Extrabudgetary Fund.

Today, Uzbekkino National Agency is assigned with the production of 15 feature films, 20 documentaries and popular science films, 10 animation, and 60 hourly spiritual, enlightenment, scientific and methodical movies a year. The experience of Uzbekistan is studied by many states, because such a funding and support system has no counterparts in the world.

Meanwhile, none of the areas of cinematography stands still. They evolve both technically and creatively. For example, a documentary tells about outstanding personalities and sights of the country, covers educational subjects. Live-action films have mastered 4K format and other latest technologies. The diversity of genres has expanded with the release of big-budget blockbuster ‘Baron’ and fantasy ‘Oyqiz Ertagi’. The main animation studio is currently producing the first feature-length film, and private studios have mastered the production of 3D cartoons.

The evolution of national cinema aesthetics was conditioned by gaining independence, and fundamental changes in the social ideology of the nation. This period is featured by the emergence of a new audience and a new poetics of cinema, multidirectionality of style trends (author and viewer movies) in the search for national identity. The period of independence, with radical changes in social ideology, has become a fundamentally new stage in the development of national cinema, making an impact on the establishment and implementation of the final film product. Morphologically, the Uzbek cinema has retained its previous format (live-action films, documentaries, animation, children’s films, etc.).

Liberation of cinema workers from rigid boundaries that previously reigned in their creative expression is one of important achievements in the cinema industry of Uzbekistan during the independence period. It was the period when the idea of the need for state regulation of domestic cinema industry was acknowledged and implemented in government regulations. Cinema network is rehabilitating, private studios appear. Cinema theaters are gradually returning to their core mission of screening movies, which has served as a powerful stimulus for the development of the Uzbek mass cinema.

Over 25 years of independence, the Uzbek cinema Uzbekistan has experienced some positive changes in government support and funding, the lack of which had a negative effect on the development of live-action films of previous years. The government initiated a strong support for the domestic cinema industry. The Decree of the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov ‘On the establishment of the state film company of the Republic of Uzbekistan’ and Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of May 6, 1992 paved the way for the establishment of the State Film Company aiming to further develop the national cinema.

The State Stock Company Uzbekkino was founded by the Decree of the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan ‘On the establishment of the State Stock Company Uzbekkino’ of April 29, 1996, and Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of July 12, 1996. The Decree ‘On streamlining cinematography management’ of March 16, 2004, and the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers ‘On the establishment of Uzbekkino National Agency’ of March 17, 2004, as a legal foundation for reogranization of the State Stock Company Uzbekkino into Uzbekkino National Agency was the next strategic step in the development of national cinema.

The cinema industry has built its own large audience in recent years. Domestic movies gather full houses. This important social phenomenon, which distinguishes the domestic cinema from that in other Central Asian states, was repeatedly noted by foreign and domestic experts.

In late 20th century, the cinema market of Uzbekistan was replenished with the works of talented filmmakers of several generations. The movies like ‘The Valley of My Fathers’ by Sh. Abbasov, ‘A Stone Idol’, ‘Iron Woman’, ‘Sharif and Marif’, ‘Love’ by I. Ergashev, ‘I Cry Bitterly in My Dream’, ‘The Only Memory’ by S. Nazarmuhamedov, ‘A Soldier’s Tale’, ‘Abdullajon’, ‘Bomb’, ‘Little Doctor’ by Z. Musakov, ‘Who Are You?’, ‘Kammy’ by D. Fayziev, ‘Before the Dawn’ by Yu Azimov, reflect various author styles, the experience of cinematic known schools and creative directions.

There are some important indicators in the dynamics of the live-action films. In the second half of the first decade of the 2000s, the domestic cinema industry started producing much more live-action films than in the early 1990s. Nearly 50 public and private films, including live-action, documentaries and animation, have been annually produced since 2008. Genre and thematic content of the national live-action cinema have also undegone fundamental changes. The baton of great domestic films of 1991-2000s was continued by the movies ‘The Road Under Heaven’ (2005, directed by K. Kamalova), ‘The Spring’ (2006, directed by Yo. Tuychiev), ‘Heaven is My Abode’ (2012, directed by A. Shahabiddinov), ‘Homeland’ (2005, directed by Z. Musakov), ‘Yurt’ (2007, directed by A. Shahabiddinov).

The Uzbek cinema did not neglect such relevant, pressing and destructive problems for prosperous society as religious extremism, drug addiction, criminal thirst for illicit enrichment, etc. This trend is quite clearly shown in the film ‘A Deceived Woman’ (2011), ‘On the Bottom’ (2012), ‘The Lost’ (2014) by H. Nasimov, and in large-scale projects ‘Traitor’ (2015) and  ‘Baron’ (2016) by R. Sagdiev.

The motion-picture process of the end of the twentieth century is featured by certain artistic and philosophical aspects. The realistic attitude to reality, the study of the changes entailed by the increasingly complicating concept of the most important categories of existence – space, time, personality, was reflected in the ‘new cinema’ of Uzbekistan. Displaying specific events in movies, the filmmakers and scriptwriters sought for not isolating them, not carving them out of context, but considered them in a single integrity of verticals – from everyday life to existence, and horizontals – from the past to the future. There is an obvious tendency of inextricable links between the private and the global.

The opportunity of inclusion in the global process of creative achievements and exchange of experience, as well as understanding of positive practices and trends in world cinema is important for the progressive development of national cinema. The Uzbek cinema is confidently integrating in the orbit of the global art process, suggesting that now the country has an effective tool for implementation of truly creative projects, which focus on the rise of international status of national cinema.

There are several areas in the live-action Uzbek cinema today. For instance, it is a focus on mass audience, that is movies without clear spectator or genre orientation, which are obviously biased to the author’s movies (‘The Moon Steals Tired Souls’ by S. Nazarmuhamedov).

Some directors work within the narrative model, with a clearly dominant nostalgic comprehension of the national theme (‘The Valley of My Fathers’ by Sh. Abbasov, ‘The Past Days’, ‘Chimildik’ by M. Abzalov, ‘Chayongul’ by S. Nazarmuhamedov). The others prefer more abstract forms. For example, there is a tendency of conventional forms of expression in the works of many young filmmakers: the screen is willingly and openly turning toward the eccentric, the unconventional. This urge for the strange, the outstanding, is seen at all levels, ranging from the poetics of titles and extraordinary scene collisions to the selection of unusual characters. The armory of irony and eccentrics play a key role in style scripts and such bitter and dramatic films like ‘Little Tabib’, ‘Fellini’. The colors of irony, comic entertainment, eccentric and grotesque permeate the films of these directors.

Understanding of the national context is a fundamentally important for modern cinema. Along with the national spiritual context, domestic movies reflect spiritual and aesthetic space of world cinema. They trace a kind of national perspective on the moral and philosophical problems that are raised in the cinema of other countries.

Filmmakers of Uzbekistan are active participants in international film festivals. Over the years of independence, more than 180 feature films, documentaries and animated films competed in international film festivals and won more than 100 prizes and diplomas in various categories.

The list of participants includes ‘Heaven is My Abode’ (2012, directed by A. Shahabiddinov), the holder of the Grand Prix ‘Golden Vine’ at the Open Film Festival of CIS countries, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, ‘Film Shock’, ‘On the Heels of the Dream’ (2004, directed by Yo. Tuychiev), which received Grand Prix and distributor prize at international film festivals in Aubervilliers (France) in 2006, ‘Chashma’ (2005, directed by Yo. Tuychiev), which won the Grand Prix of the contest ‘Perspective’ in the Moscow International Film Festival, ‘The Road Under Heaven’ (2005, directed by K. Kamalova) – the holder of the specialized Eurasia prize in 2006.

In 2011, the film ‘Postscript’ (2011, directed by Yo. Tuichiev) was awarded three prizes at the International Film Festival of Asian Cinema (France): Ciclo d’Or, Netpac prize and the Guimet Museum prize. The film ‘Yurt’ by the Uzbek director A. Shahabiddinov won the Grand Prix at the International Film Festival Cinemarina (Turkey) and a prize of the International Film Festival Golden Minbar. The film ‘Don’t Forget Me’ (2013, directed by K. Kamalova) is the prize winner of the IFF Children’s Film Schlingel-2014 (Germany).

Today, there is every reason to say that cinema of independent Uzbekistan is an important part of the national art, and an essential factor of the spiritual renewal of society.

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)



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