May 14, 2014
Central Election Commission Meeting. 2
Net income of Uzvinosanoat-holding hits 4.535bn soums in 2013. 3
UzXCMG launches production of excavators in Urgench. 3
Press-service of MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Central Election Commission Meeting
The Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan convened for a session on May 12. The meeting was attended by members of the Commission and representatives of political parties, Environmental Movement of Uzbekistan and mass media.
It was stressed at the session that in accordance with Article 117 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, general elections to the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, regional, district and municipal Kengashes (Councils) of people’s deputies are to take place on the first Sunday of the third ten-day period of December this year.
In line with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, elections to the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan is arranged and held by the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The meeting participants discussed the action plan for the preparations and holding of elections to the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, regional, district and municipal Kengashes (Councils) of people’s deputies in 2014.
According to session contributors, the measures taken in the country following the 2009 elections dedicated to further liberalize and perfect the electoral legislation will become an important factor in holding the upcoming elections in strict adherence to the most democratic requirements and universal international standards.
This has been facilitated by and large by the realization of provisions of the Concept of Intensification of Democratic Reforms and Formation of Civil Society in the Country initiated by President Islam Karimov.
In accordance with the Concept, the electoral legislation has been introduced with a range amendments and addenda directed at a more complete execution of the principle of the freedom of choice, the further democratization of the electoral system of the country, the elevation of the effectiveness of securing equal terms and conditions for candidates for deputies and political parties during pre-election campaigns, along with the consolidation of principles of openness and transparency of elections of deputies of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan from the Environmental Movement of Uzbekistan. Normative mechanisms for securing the transparency during elections have been refined.
In promotion of the Concept provisions, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the Introduction of Amendments and Addenda to Certain Articles of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Articles 32, 78, 93, 98, 103 and 117)” initiated by the head of our state was adopted in April 2014, which serves as a normative foundation for the further democratization of the activities of the legislative and executive branches of power, for boosting the activeness of political parties, bolstering the inter-party competition – the most critical component of a democratic society.
In accordance with the abovementioned law, the Central Election Commission has been granted a status of a constitutional body, the mechanism of its activities has been defined that helps ensure the preparations and holding of elections without the interference of other government agencies of any kind, and the principles of its activities have been defined – namely, independence, legitimacy, collegial decision making, openness and fairness. All this has become the most critical guarantee of securing comprehensively the democratic, open and transparent as well as legitimate nature of elections.
During the deliberations it was noted that the Program envisages a complex of measures to provide for the transparency and openness of elections at every level of pre-election campaign and the conduct of all the preparatory works and the organization of electoral process in strict compliance with law.
The Program stipulates securing conditions for the organization of effective information and analytical works directed at extensive enlightenment efforts among the electorate to explain the provisions of the electoral legislation, conduct of international, nationwide and provincial meetings to propagate the essence and significance of further democratization of the national electoral system, to boost the law culture of the participants of the electoral process, the awareness of voters on the course of preparations and holding of elections as the most crucial socio-political event in the life of the nation.
Extensive and equal opportunities are to be spearheaded for political parties and candidates for deputies in the use of mass media for letting the voters and the wider public know of the provisions of election programs, the stances they contain with regard to pressing issues in the socio-political and socio-economic development of the country.
The meeting participants pointed out in particular that the Action Plan will indisputably help secure necessary conditions for an active participation and free competition of political parties in the process of shaping government bodies, the exercise of constitutional rights by citizens to elect and be elected to representative bodies of government.
The discussions at the session produced at the end a relevant resolution. The event participants also deliberated on other issues pertaining to the powers of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Net income of Uzvinosanoat-holding hits 4.535bn soums in 2013
Net income of Uzvinosanoat-holding made up 4.535 billion soums in 2013 against 5.341 billions oums in 2012, according to the balance sheet of the company.
Income from main activities of the company rose from 129.552 million soums in 2012 to 848.432 million soums in 2013.
In the reporting period, income from financial activities made up 5.377 billion soums against 5.13 billion soums in 2012.
Income from economic activities fell from 5.506 billion soums in 2012 to 4.829 billion soums in 2013, the report said.
The assets of the company increased from 68.644 billion soums in 2012 to 73.985 billion soums in 2013. The long-term assets rose from 46.759 billion soums in 2012 to 50.397 billion soums in 2013. The current assets rose from 21.904 billion soums to 23.587 billion soums in the reporting period.
The company’s own capital exceeded 73.735 billion soums in 2013 compared to 68.32 billion soums in 2012. The charter capital made up 37.609 billion soums. Undistributed income was 6.6 billion soums in2013 against 5.373 billion soums in 2012.
The liabilities of Uzvinosanoat-holding fell from 323.806 million soums to 323.806 million soums in the reporting period.
International cooperation
UzXCMG launches production of excavators in Urgench
New Uzbek-Chinese joint venture UzXCMG started its work in Urgench city of Khorezm region of Uzbekistan.
The enterprise specializes at production of hydraulic excavators and construction materials, as well as providing maintenance services to them. It is expected that the part of them will be exported to the Central Asian states.
UzXCMG was founded by Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group Co ., Ltd. (XCMG) of China and Uzbekistan Temir Yollari.
The documents on creation of the joint venture were signed in September 2013, when the delegation of Chinese company paid visit to Uzbekistan.
The International Conference “The historical heritage of scientists and thinkers of the Medieval East, its role and significance for the modern civilization”
Mahmud Zamahshari
(18.03.1075 Zamahshar, 14.04.1144, Gurganj)
Abu- al-Kasim Mahmud ibn Umar Zamahshari was born on March 18, 1075 in a rural area Zamahshar in a profoundly educated family. He got his first education from his father who made a great contribution to upbringing his son who had become a cripple when he was a teenager.
He studied at a local madrassah and after that he went to Bukhara where he studied sciences in the environment of a special constellation of those who lightened the world of science and poetry at that period of time in this sacred city. As soon as he finished his education he started to serve at the palace of Khorezmshakhs as a secretary and lawyer.
Zamahshari got sick in 1118. When he got cured he completely dedicated himself to the field of science. In order to obtain more knowledge he visited Merv, Nishapur, Ishfakhan, Sham, Baghdad and Khidjaz. He spent five years of his life in Mecca dealing with scientific work and he obtained one of the highest rewards there which was called “Jarullah”(Close to Allah).
Zamahshari died on April 14, 1144 in his hometown Khorezm. Even in the XIV century a great mausoleum was erected upon his grave. This is proved by well-known Arabian traveler and scientist Ibn Battuta.
The Main Scientific Works
Mahmud Zamahshari is the author of more than 60 works on Linguistics, Lexicology, Literature Studies, Geography, Muslim exegesis (the science interpreting sacred texts), Sunna, Fikh and Philosophy. Fictional and grammatical-lexicographical works prevail among about 40 preserved works written by him. His comment on Koran “Al Kashshaf an Khakikat Tanzil” (Revealing the Essence of Sincerity), is recognized as one of the canonical interpretations of Koran and used in the educational process in the University of al-Azkhar. It is considered according to its content as the first example of scientific critical study of the sacred text as rapt attention in it is paid to the philological analysis. The most important works by the scientist are as follows:
«Al –Mufassal fi sina’at al-e’rab » detailed treatise on the Grammar of the Arabic Language;
«Al-Unmuzaj» Brief treatise on the Grammar of the Arabic Language;
«Mukaddamat al-adab» («Introduction to Philology»)
«Asas al-balaga» («The Basis of Rhetoric»
«Al Kashshaf an Khakikat Tanzil») («Revealing the Essence of Sincerity») – exegesis
«Al-Aruz» («The Science of Rhythmics»), and others.
Contribution to the World Science
-Zamahshari is one of the founders of the Arabic Linguistics.
-The Founder of a new method of account of Arabic Grammar;
-He is the first author of the polylingual dictionary (Arabic–Persian, Arabic-Persian-Turkic);
-He is the founder of a new method of compiling dictionaries of the Arabic Language according to the alphabetic principle of root words.
-He greatly contributed to the study of one of the significant world languages which is Arabic. Thanks to the activities and works of Zamahshari, Maverannakhr became one of the most influential centers of the Arabic Language and culture of Arabic speaking people.
World Recognition
Zamahshari was awarded one of the highest titles “The Teacher of all Arabs and non-Arabs” («Ustaz al-arab va al-adjam»), «The Pride of Khorezm» («Fakhru Khvarazm», «The Teacher of the World » («Ustaz al-dunya»), «The Kaba of Men of Literature» («Kaba al-udaba»). The contribution of the scholar to the analysis and development of the Arabic language was so great that one of the Arabic Contemporaries said: «If it were not for this…Turk, the Arabs would have never realized the profoundness of their (mother tongue) language». The sources say, that the ruler of Shama (Syria) announced a reward in a mount of 5 thousand silver coins if anybody learnt by heart the book entitled “al -Mufassal” by Zamahshari.
Some works by Zamahshari including “Mukaddamat al-adab” were translated into the Persian, Chighatanian, Turkic and Mongolian Languages when he was still alive. In 1706 this work was translated into the Turkish and then into the French, German and other languages of the world. It was published in Germany, Austria, France, Russia, Norway, Egypt and India in different periods of time. In 1850, German scholar Vatzaistan compiled a detailed comparative analytical review of seven famous manuscripts of the current work.
According to the information of another famous German Oriental scholar K. Brokkelman today more than 100 copies of “al-Kashshaf” manuscript and more than 20 comments written on it are preserved in different funds of the world.