49 medals of young intellectuals of Uzbekistan

O'zbekiston investitsiya portali

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Dekabr 26, 2017

49 medals of young intellectuals of Uzbekistan

Turkey hosted the IX International Olympiad of Knowledge. The event was organized by Antalya Academy of Tourism and EDUANT Russian International School. Schoolchildren from Uzbekistan also successfully took part in it.

A team of 25 students from the non-state educational institution “Intellect” garden-school won 6 gold, 20 silver and 23 bronze – a total of 49 medals. In the team event, the “Intellect” school won the first place and received 4 cups on four subjects: mathematics, Russian and English languages, fine arts.

Consistent reforms in the system of education, conducted in our country under the leadership of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, are aimed at training the younger generation in accordance with world standards. Special attention is paid to improving educational standards in all levels of the education system and creating modern curricula, plans, textbooks and manuals on this basis. The implemented reforms are yielding high results. Successful activity of “Intellect” garden-school is a vivid example of this.

The “Intellect” school, founded in 2008, differs from other schools by its highly professional pedagogical team that shares not only its knowledge, but also creates an atmosphere in which every child can show his/her abilities and talents. Much attention at school is paid to the moral and aesthetic development of children.

The pedagogical staff of the school actively conducts an innovative policy in the sphere of education, while preserving the traditions of classical education. Teachers skillfully apply traditional, time-tested, and modern techniques in their activity. The basis of working with students is in the system of forming their independence and initiative, which allows them to solve the most important social and professional tasks in the future. Here, children are taught to perform work on a simple algorithm, jointly set a new task and determine the sequence of actions for its solution, bring the matter to the end, read texts meaningfully and highlight the main idea in them, look for the necessary information in the educational literature, describe the objects of observation, compare them, express their own judgments based on the results of the comparison.

The educational process in the elementary school includes all the components of classical education – education, upbringing, development, life support and enlightenment. Children begin to learn English from the first class 4 times a week, from the second class the number of these lessons increases to 5-6 times a week.

– We have individual approach to each child in class, – says deputy director of the “Intellect” garden-school Natalia Bannova. – In our country, all conditions are created for children and youth to be able to show their talents in subject Olympiads and competitions. In recent years, our students have been winning prizes at international Olympiads. We are proud of our students!

Particular attention in the school is paid to the most effective organization of the school day, correct distribution of mental and physical loads, introduction of health-saving technologies, creation of a positive psycho-emotional climate in the team.

Students of primary classes do their homework under the supervision of a teacher at school in the afternoon. This allows parents to devote much more time to live communication and playing with children, which has a positive effect on the child’s psyche and family atmosphere in general.

At the IX International Olympiad of Knowledge, 500 schoolchildren from countries such as Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Ukraine demonstrated their knowledge in mathematics, geography, physics, chemistry, biology, world history, the surrounding world, fine arts, Russian, English, Turkish languages. Schoolchildren of the “Intellect” led by deputy director N.Bannova took part in this Olympiad for the first time in 4 disciplines: mathematics, Russian and English languages, fine arts. They also actively participated in such creative and sports events as Miss Olympiad, Minute of Fame, Photo Competition, mini-football tournaments and chess.

Nigina Inoyatova (4 medals), Ikram Yusupov (4 medals), Jamola Mirkamilova (3 medals) and Adil Mukhitdinov (3 medals) were recognized as the best participants of the IX International Olympiad of Knowledge.

– I like learning English, – says, a fourth-grade student Nigina Inoyatova. – In the Olympiad, I took the first place in English, the second – in mathematics, Russian and fine arts. I am also happy for the success of my friends. The support of our teachers and parents helped us.

At the week of intellectual competitions, the participants of the Olympiad acquired invaluable experience, received positive emotions, made new friends. There is no doubt that such intellectual youth of Uzbekistan will continue to conquer the heights of knowledge and glorify our country in the international arena.