Military songs are sung at Tashkent Metro stations

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April 27, 2018

Military songs are sung at Tashkent Metro stations

Military-patriotic campaign, dedicated to May 9 – Memory and Honor Day, is organized by the Ministry of Defense on all lines of Tashkent Metro with participation of musicians of the Central Song and Dance Ensemble of the Armed Forces.

Military songs are sung at Tashkent metro stations

Military musicians, dressed in the form of the times of the World War II, are performing military songs on the metro stations. Metro users are enjoying the songs “Dugout”, “Victory Day”, “The Last Battle” and other hits.
Military songs are sung at Tashkent metro stations

The campaign has started at 16.30 at “Dustlik” (“Friendship”), the former “Chkalov” metro station. Thus, military artists are paying tribute to the heroic deed of the older generation of Uzbekistan, people who participated in the war.

Military songs are sung at Tashkent metro stations
Military songs are sung at Tashkent metro stations
Military songs are sung at Tashkent metro stations